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Azure pipelines: What is the name of the pipeline resource?

Im new in Azure DevOps and want to trigger a pipeline by another pipeline.

i follow this documentation

the following section is described there:

# this is being defined in app-ci pipeline
  - pipeline: securitylib   # Name of the pipeline resource
    source: security-lib-ci # Name of the pipeline referenced by the pipeline resource
    project: FabrikamProject # Required only if the source pipeline is in another project
    trigger: true # Run app-ci pipeline when any run of security-lib-ci completes

I have no idea what the pipeline resource is. (property pipeline) I tried the name of the repo but the repo name contains a dot, what does not match the required pattern.

enter image description here

Can anyone tell me where i find the value for this property?


    • pipeline: securitylib specifies the name of the pipeline resource, and is used when referring to the pipeline resource from other parts of the pipeline, such as pipeline resource variables.

    is a name for the pipeline resource. This is not pipeline name in Azure Devops. It it is like

    - job: JobA

    So this is just a name and you can put here anything what pass character limitation.