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On page load, autoplay jquery accordion once

I have an horizontal accordion that I'd like to unfold and then fold again, on page load, to "invite" the user to hover the elements.

I'm using the very cool Kwicks for jQuery, but unfortunately there's no options for something like this, and after a couple of hours of trial and error I'd like to ask for help.

Here I set up a test, out of the box:

And, for a quick look, here's the script:

    Kwicks for jQuery (version 1.5.1)
    Copyright (c) 2008 Jeremy Martin

    Licensed under the MIT license:

    Any and all use of this script must be accompanied by this copyright/license notice in its present form.

    $.fn.kwicks = function(options) {
        var defaults = {
            isVertical: false,
            sticky: false,
            defaultKwick: 0,
            event: 'mouseover',
            spacing: 0,
            duration: 500
        var o = $.extend(defaults, options);
        var WoH = (o.isVertical ? 'height' : 'width'); // WoH = Width or Height
        var LoT = (o.isVertical ? 'top' : 'left'); // LoT = Left or Top

        return this.each(function() {
            container = $(this);
            var kwicks = container.children('li');
            var normWoH = kwicks.eq(0).css(WoH).replace(/px/,''); // normWoH = Normal Width or Height
            if(!o.max) {
                o.max = (normWoH * kwicks.size()) - (o.min * (kwicks.size() - 1));
            } else {
                o.min = ((normWoH * kwicks.size()) - o.max) / (kwicks.size() - 1);
            // set width of container ul
            if(o.isVertical) {
                    width : kwicks.eq(0).css('width'),
                    height : (normWoH * kwicks.size()) + (o.spacing * (kwicks.size() - 1)) + 'px'
            } else {
                    width : (normWoH * kwicks.size()) + (o.spacing * (kwicks.size() - 1)) + 'px',
                    height : kwicks.eq(0).css('height')

            // pre calculate left or top values for all kwicks but the first and last
            // i = index of currently hovered kwick, j = index of kwick we're calculating
            var preCalcLoTs = []; // preCalcLoTs = pre-calculated Left or Top's
            for(i = 0; i < kwicks.size(); i++) {
                preCalcLoTs[i] = [];
                // don't need to calculate values for first or last kwick
                for(j = 1; j < kwicks.size() - 1; j++) {
                    if(i == j) {
                        preCalcLoTs[i][j] = o.isVertical ? j * o.min + (j * o.spacing) : j * o.min + (j * o.spacing);
                    } else {
                        preCalcLoTs[i][j] = (j <= i ? (j * o.min) : (j-1) * o.min + o.max) + (j * o.spacing);

            // loop through all kwick elements
            kwicks.each(function(i) {
                var kwick = $(this);
                // set initial width or height and left or top values
                // set first kwick
                if(i === 0) {
                    kwick.css(LoT, '0px');
                // set last kwick
                else if(i == kwicks.size() - 1) {
                    kwick.css(o.isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right', '0px');
                // set all other kwicks
                else {
                    if(o.sticky) {
                        kwick.css(LoT, preCalcLoTs[o.defaultKwick][i]);
                    } else {
                        kwick.css(LoT, (i * normWoH) + (i * o.spacing));
                // correct size in sticky mode
                if(o.sticky) {
                    if(o.defaultKwick == i) {
                        kwick.css(WoH, o.max + 'px');
                    } else {
                        kwick.css(WoH, o.min + 'px');
                    margin: 0,
                    position: 'absolute'

                kwick.bind(o.event, function() {
                    // calculate previous width or heights and left or top values
                    var prevWoHs = []; // prevWoHs = previous Widths or Heights
                    var prevLoTs = []; // prevLoTs = previous Left or Tops
                    for(j = 0; j < kwicks.size(); j++) {
                        prevWoHs[j] = kwicks.eq(j).css(WoH).replace(/px/, '');
                        prevLoTs[j] = kwicks.eq(j).css(LoT).replace(/px/, '');
                    var aniObj = {};
                    aniObj[WoH] = o.max;
                    var maxDif = o.max - prevWoHs[i];
                    var prevWoHsMaxDifRatio = prevWoHs[i]/maxDif;
                    kwick.addClass('active').animate(aniObj, {
                        step: function(now) {
                            // calculate animation completeness as percentage
                            var percentage = maxDif != 0 ? now/maxDif - prevWoHsMaxDifRatio : 1;
                            // adjsut other elements based on percentage
                            kwicks.each(function(j) {
                                if(j != i) {
                                    kwicks.eq(j).css(WoH, prevWoHs[j] - ((prevWoHs[j] - o.min) * percentage) + 'px');
                                if(j > 0 && j < kwicks.size() - 1) { // if not the first or last kwick
                                    kwicks.eq(j).css(LoT, prevLoTs[j] - ((prevLoTs[j] - preCalcLoTs[i][j]) * percentage) + 'px');
                        duration: o.duration,
                        easing: o.easing
            if(!o.sticky) {
                container.bind("mouseleave", function() {
                    var prevWoHs = [];
                    var prevLoTs = [];
                    for(i = 0; i < kwicks.size(); i++) {
                        prevWoHs[i] = kwicks.eq(i).css(WoH).replace(/px/, '');
                        prevLoTs[i] = kwicks.eq(i).css(LoT).replace(/px/, '');
                    var aniObj = {};
                    aniObj[WoH] = normWoH;
                    var normDif = normWoH - prevWoHs[0];
                    kwicks.eq(0).animate(aniObj, {
                        step: function(now) {
                            var percentage = normDif != 0 ? (now - prevWoHs[0])/normDif : 1;
                            for(i = 1; i < kwicks.size(); i++) {
                                kwicks.eq(i).css(WoH, prevWoHs[i] - ((prevWoHs[i] - normWoH) * percentage) + 'px');
                                if(i < kwicks.size() - 1) {
                                    kwicks.eq(i).css(LoT, prevLoTs[i] - ((prevLoTs[i] - ((i * normWoH) + (i * o.spacing))) * percentage) + 'px');
                        duration: o.duration,
                        easing: o.easing

Would you know of some addition to allow an initial deployment / collapse to defaults?

Many thanks for your suggestions,


  • $("ul#accordion-slider li.d").mouseover()