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.exe disappeared after go elsewhere

I have made a .exe app with a .py and cx_Freeze. I can open my app and place it in my Windows taskbar at the bottom of the screen, but when I open it this doesn't open a tab like when you open an app a tab appears and when I go elsewhere my app disappears… I can see that my app is in the task manager but really nowhere…

UPDATE: All of that is due to this line: win.overrideredirect(True) in my app's code but I don't know what to do, I found nothing…

# -*- Encoding:Latin-1 -*-
import os 
import math
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import font

win = tk.Tk()

font1 = font.Font(family = 'Helvetica', size = 15)
font3 = font.Font(family = 'Helvetica', size = 8, weight = 'bold')
font2 = font.Font(family = 'Helvetica', size = 20, weight = 'bold')

def aaa(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
    Dark = Theme('#18181F','#0C0C0F',"#505063",'#D1DDFF','#D12319',"#D1665F")

def aaaa(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
    Light = Theme('#F1EDF5','#D1D2E8',"#EDD5EB",'#323133','#6F2EB0',"#C47ED6")

def strl(list):
        list ="".join(list)
        return list

pixel = tk.PhotoImage(width=1, height=1)

a =95
b =95

theme = 0
t = 0

ecrit = []
nombre_de_multdiv = 0
nombre_de_sous_add = 0

def Del(self):
    global ecrit
    del ecrit[-1]
    affichage = strl(ecrit)
    self.label1['text'] = affichage = 'e', x = 450, y = 75)

def Del_all(self):
    global ecrit
    del ecrit[:]
    affichage = strl(ecrit)
    self.label1['text'] = affichage = 'e', x = 450, y = 75)

def Ecrire(symbole,self):

    affichage = strl(ecrit)
    self.label1['text'] = affichage = 'e', x = 450, y = 75)

def Ecrire_Resulat(valeur,self):
    valeur = strl(valeur)
    self.label1['text'] = valeur

def Calcul(self):
    global nombre_de_multdiv
    global nombre_de_sous_add

    for i in range(len(ecrit)):
        if ecrit[i]  == '/' or ecrit[i] == '*':
            nombre_de_multdiv +=1
    for i in range(len(ecrit)):
        if ecrit[i]  == '+' or ecrit[i] == '-':
            nombre_de_sous_add +=1

    for i in range(nombre_de_multdiv):

        for i in range(len(ecrit)):
            if ecrit[i] == '*' or ecrit[i] == '/':

                numero = i
                nb = i
                nbb = i

                for i in range(len(ecrit)-numero-1):

                    if ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '/' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '*' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '+' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '-':

                        nb +=1

                    elif ecrit[i+1+numero] == '/' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '*' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '+' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '-':


                for i in range(numero):

                    i = -i

                    if ecrit[i-1+numero] != '/' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '*' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '+' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '-':

                        nbb -=1

                    elif ecrit[i-1+numero] == '/' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '*' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '+' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '-':


                nombre1 = "".join(ecrit[numero+1:nb+1])
                nombre1 = float(nombre1)
                nombre2 = "".join(ecrit[nbb:numero])
                nombre2 = float(nombre2)

                if ecrit[numero] =='*':
                    resultat = nombre1 * nombre2

                    if resultat == int(resultat):
                        resultat = int(resultat)

                    resultat = list(str(round(resultat,5)))

                    resultat = nombre2 / nombre1

                    if resultat == int(resultat):
                        resultat = int(resultat)

                    resultat = list(str(round(resultat,5)))

                del ecrit[nbb:nb+1]
                for i in range(len(resultat)):


    for i in range(nombre_de_sous_add):

        for i in range(len(ecrit)):
            if ecrit[i] == '+' or ecrit[i] == '-':

                numero = i
                nb = i
                nbb = i

                for i in range(len(ecrit)-numero-1):

                    if ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '/' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '*' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '+' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '-':

                        nb +=1

                    elif ecrit[i+1+numero] == '/' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '*' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '+' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '-':


                for i in range(numero):

                    i = -i

                    if ecrit[i-1+numero] != '/' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '*' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '+' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '-':

                        nbb -=1

                    elif ecrit[i-1+numero] == '/' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '*' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '+' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '-':


                nombre1 = "".join(ecrit[numero+1:nb+1])
                nombre1 = float(nombre1)
                nombre2 = "".join(ecrit[nbb:numero])
                nombre2 = float(nombre2)

                if ecrit[numero] =='+':
                    resultat = nombre1 + nombre2

                    if resultat == int(resultat):
                        resultat = int(resultat)

                    resultat = list(str(round(resultat,5)))

                    resultat = nombre2 - nombre1

                    if resultat == int(resultat):
                        resultat = int(resultat)

                    resultat = list(str(round(resultat,5)))

                del ecrit[nbb:nb+1]

                for i in range(len(resultat)):



class Theme():

    def move_window(self,event):

        win.geometry('+{0}+{1}'.format(event.x_root - self.x, event.y_root - self.y))

    def set_xy(self,event):

        self.x=event.x_root - win.winfo_x()
        self.y=event.y_root - win.winfo_y()
        return self.x,self.y;

    def boutontheme(self,colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
        self.openmenu(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf)
        if self.t == 0:
            Light = Theme('#F1EDF5','#D1D2E8',"#EDD5EB",'#323133','#6F2EB0',"#915ec4")
            self.t = 1
            Dark = Theme('#18181F','#0C0C0F',"#505063",'#D1DDFF','#D12319',"#D1665F")
            self.t = 0

    def openmenu(self,colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
        if self.ouvert == False:
            self.b_theme.config(bg = colore)
            if self.t == 0:
                self.b_theme_dark = tk.Button(win,state=DISABLED, text = 'Dark theme',font = font3,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 70,activebackground =colore,bg =colora,fg = colord,command = lambda: self.boutontheme(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
                self.b_theme_light = tk.Button(win,state=NORMAL, text = 'Light theme',font = font3,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 70,activebackground =colore,bg =colora,fg = colord,command = lambda: self.boutontheme(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
                self.b_theme_dark = tk.Button(win,state=NORMAL, text = 'Dark theme',font = font3,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 70,activebackground =colore,bg =colora,fg = colord,command = lambda: self.boutontheme(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
                self.b_theme_light = tk.Button(win,state=DISABLED, text = 'Light theme',font = font3,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 70,activebackground =colore,bg =colora,fg = colord,command = lambda: self.boutontheme(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
   = 'nw', x = 5, y = 25)
   = 'nw', x = 5, y = 45) 
            self.ouvert = True

        if self.ouvert == True:
            self.b_theme.config(bg = colorb)
            self.ouvert = False 

    def __init__(self,colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):

        if colora == '#18181F':
            self.t = 0
            self.t = 1

        self.ouvert = False
        self.x = 0

        #creation menu

        self.canvas_menu = Canvas(win, width =500, height =25, bg = colora, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
        self.exit = Canvas(bg = colora,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
        self.exit.create_oval(0,0,20,20, fill= colore,width = 0)
        self.exit.create_text(10, 10, text="x", fill = colord, font= font3)
        self.exit.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: win.destroy())

        #affichage menu = 'nw', x = 475, y = 2)
        self.canvas_menu.grid(row = 0,column = 0, columnspan = 5)

        #creation des canvas

        self.canvas_screen = Canvas(win, width =500, height =100, bg =colorb,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
        self.canvas_keyb_num = Canvas(win, width =300, height =400, bg =colorb,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
        self.canvas_keyb_op = Canvas(win, width =200, height =400, bg =colorb,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)

        #affchage des canvas

        self.canvas_screen.grid(row = 1,column = 0, columnspan = 5)
        self.canvas_keyb_num.grid(row = 2,column = 0, columnspan = 3, rowspan = 4)
        self.canvas_keyb_op.grid(row = 2,column = 3, columnspan = 2, rowspan = 4)

        # creation des boutons

        self.b1 = Button(win, text ='1',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('1',self))
        self.b2 = Button(win, text ='2',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('2',self))
        self.b3 = Button(win, text ='3',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('3',self))
        self.b4 = Button(win, text ='4',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('4',self))
        self.b5 = Button(win, text ='5',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('5',self))
        self.b6 = Button(win, text ='6',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('6',self))
        self.b7 = Button(win, text ='7',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('7',self))
        self.b8 = Button(win, text ='8',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('8',self))
        self.b9 = Button(win, text ='9',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('9',self))
        self.b_point = Button(win, text ='.',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('.',self))
        self.b0 = Button(win, text ='0',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('0',self))
        self.b_plus = Button(win, text ='+',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('+',self))
        self.b_moins = Button(win, text ='-',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('-',self))
        self.b_fois = Button(win, text ='*',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('*',self))
        self.b_diviser = Button(win, text ='/',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('/',self))
        self.b_del = Button(win, text ='DEL',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Del(self))
        self.b_del_all = Button(win, text ='CE',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Del_all(self))
        self.b_egale = Button(win, text ='=',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colore,activebackground =colorf,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = 295 ,font = font1,command= lambda: Calcul(self))

        #affichage des nombres

        #colone 1

        self.b7.grid(column = 0, row = 2)
        self.b4.grid(column = 0, row = 3)
        self.b1.grid(column = 0, row = 4)
        self.b_point.grid(column = 0, row = 5)

        #colone 2

        self.b8.grid(column = 1, row = 2)
        self.b5.grid(column = 1, row = 3)
        self.b2.grid(column = 1, row = 4)
        self.b0.grid(column = 1, row = 5)

        #colone 3

        self.b9.grid(column = 2, row = 2)
        self.b6.grid(column = 2, row = 3)
        self.b3.grid(column = 2, row = 4)


        self.b_plus.grid(column = 3, row = 2)
        self.b_moins.grid(column = 4, row = 2)
        self.b_fois.grid(column = 3, row = 3)
        self.b_diviser.grid(column = 4, row = 3)
        self.b_del.grid(column = 3, row = 4)
        self.b_del_all.grid(column = 4, row = 4)
        self.b_egale.grid(column = 2, row = 5,columnspan = 3)


        self.label1 = tk.Label(win, text = '', justify = tk.RIGHT,font = font2,bg =colorb,fg = colord) = 'e', x = 450, y = 75)
        self.b_theme = tk.Button(win, text = 'Themes',font = font3,bg =colorb,fg = colord,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 50,activebackground =colore,command= lambda: self.openmenu(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf)) = 'nw', x = 5, y = 2)

        self.canvas_menu.bind('<1>', self.set_xy)

        self.canvas_menu.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.move_window)

if theme == 0:
    Dark = Theme('#18181F','#0C0C0F',"#505063",'#D1DDFF','#D12319',"#D1665F")
    Light = Theme('#F1EDF5','#D1D2E8',"#EDD5EB",'#323133','#6F2EB0',"#915ec4")




  • Since you're using overridedirect(True) to remove the window manager decorations, as I said in a comment, you will need to provide some means of doing some or all of them yourself if you still want their functionality. You have done that for closing and moving the window, but you need to do more to make it appear on the Windows taskbar.

    This can be accomplished by creating a invisible root window that doesn't need to have overridedirect(True) applied to it, and then create a separate Toplevel window for your application (and apply overridedirect to it).

    The code changes to do all that appears at the very beginning. However you'll also need to make a few other minor changes to the Theme class' __init__() method to get everything working properly under this new scheme (starting where the #creation menu comment is). There's also a couple changes at the very end.

    Below is your code with all these changes needed. Note I did not turn it into an .exe, so your mileage may vary.

    # -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-
    import os
    import math
    import tkinter as tk
    from tkinter import *
    from tkinter import font
    # Create an invisible root window.
    root = tk.Tk()
    root.attributes("-alpha", 0.0)
    # Create a Toplevel for the application.
    win = tk.Toplevel(root)
    # Make root forward taskbar minimize and restore events to Toplevel instance.
    root.bind("<Unmap>", lambda _: win.withdraw())
    root.bind("<Map>", lambda _: win.deiconify())
    font1 = font.Font(family = 'Helvetica', size = 15)
    font3 = font.Font(family = 'Helvetica', size = 8, weight = 'bold')
    font2 = font.Font(family = 'Helvetica', size = 20, weight = 'bold')
    def aaa(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
        Dark = Theme('#18181F','#0C0C0F',"#505063",'#D1DDFF','#D12319',"#D1665F")
    def aaaa(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
        Light = Theme('#F1EDF5','#D1D2E8',"#EDD5EB",'#323133','#6F2EB0',"#C47ED6")
    def strl(list):
            list ="".join(list)
            return list
    pixel = tk.PhotoImage(width=1, height=1)
    a =95
    b =95
    theme = 0
    t = 0
    ecrit = []
    nombre_de_multdiv = 0
    nombre_de_sous_add = 0
    def Del(self):
        global ecrit
        del ecrit[-1]
        affichage = strl(ecrit)
        self.label1['text'] = affichage = 'e', x = 450, y = 75)
    def Del_all(self):
        global ecrit
        del ecrit[:]
        affichage = strl(ecrit)
        self.label1['text'] = affichage = 'e', x = 450, y = 75)
    def Ecrire(symbole,self):
        affichage = strl(ecrit)
        self.label1['text'] = affichage = 'e', x = 450, y = 75)
    def Ecrire_Resulat(valeur,self):
        valeur = strl(valeur)
        self.label1['text'] = valeur
    def Calcul(self):
        global nombre_de_multdiv
        global nombre_de_sous_add
        for i in range(len(ecrit)):
            if ecrit[i]  == '/' or ecrit[i] == '*':
                nombre_de_multdiv +=1
        for i in range(len(ecrit)):
            if ecrit[i]  == '+' or ecrit[i] == '-':
                nombre_de_sous_add +=1
        for i in range(nombre_de_multdiv):
            for i in range(len(ecrit)):
                if ecrit[i] == '*' or ecrit[i] == '/':
                    numero = i
                    nb = i
                    nbb = i
                    for i in range(len(ecrit)-numero-1):
                        if ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '/' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '*' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '+' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '-':
                            nb +=1
                        elif ecrit[i+1+numero] == '/' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '*' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '+' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '-':
                    for i in range(numero):
                        i = -i
                        if ecrit[i-1+numero] != '/' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '*' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '+' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '-':
                            nbb -=1
                        elif ecrit[i-1+numero] == '/' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '*' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '+' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '-':
                    nombre1 = "".join(ecrit[numero+1:nb+1])
                    nombre1 = float(nombre1)
                    nombre2 = "".join(ecrit[nbb:numero])
                    nombre2 = float(nombre2)
                    if ecrit[numero] =='*':
                        resultat = nombre1 * nombre2
                        if resultat == int(resultat):
                            resultat = int(resultat)
                        resultat = list(str(round(resultat,5)))
                        resultat = nombre2 / nombre1
                        if resultat == int(resultat):
                            resultat = int(resultat)
                        resultat = list(str(round(resultat,5)))
                    del ecrit[nbb:nb+1]
                    for i in range(len(resultat)):
        for i in range(nombre_de_sous_add):
            for i in range(len(ecrit)):
                if ecrit[i] == '+' or ecrit[i] == '-':
                    numero = i
                    nb = i
                    nbb = i
                    for i in range(len(ecrit)-numero-1):
                        if ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '/' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '*' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '+' and ecrit[i+1 + numero] != '-':
                            nb +=1
                        elif ecrit[i+1+numero] == '/' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '*' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '+' or ecrit[i+1+numero] == '-':
                    for i in range(numero):
                        i = -i
                        if ecrit[i-1+numero] != '/' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '*' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '+' and ecrit[i-1+numero] != '-':
                            nbb -=1
                        elif ecrit[i-1+numero] == '/' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '*' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '+' or ecrit[i-1+numero] == '-':
                    nombre1 = "".join(ecrit[numero+1:nb+1])
                    nombre1 = float(nombre1)
                    nombre2 = "".join(ecrit[nbb:numero])
                    nombre2 = float(nombre2)
                    if ecrit[numero] =='+':
                        resultat = nombre1 + nombre2
                        if resultat == int(resultat):
                            resultat = int(resultat)
                        resultat = list(str(round(resultat,5)))
                        resultat = nombre2 - nombre1
                        if resultat == int(resultat):
                            resultat = int(resultat)
                        resultat = list(str(round(resultat,5)))
                    del ecrit[nbb:nb+1]
                    for i in range(len(resultat)):
    class Theme:
        def move_window(self,event):
            win.geometry('+{0}+{1}'.format(event.x_root - self.x, event.y_root - self.y))
        def set_xy(self,event):
            self.x=event.x_root - win.winfo_x()
            self.y=event.y_root - win.winfo_y()
            return self.x,self.y;
        def boutontheme(self,colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
            self.openmenu(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf)
            if self.t == 0:
                Light = Theme('#F1EDF5','#D1D2E8',"#EDD5EB",'#323133','#6F2EB0',"#915ec4")
                self.t = 1
                Dark = Theme('#18181F','#0C0C0F',"#505063",'#D1DDFF','#D12319',"#D1665F")
                self.t = 0
        def openmenu(self,colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
            if self.ouvert == False:
                self.b_theme.config(bg = colore)
                if self.t == 0:
                    self.b_theme_dark = tk.Button(win,state=DISABLED, text = 'Dark theme',font = font3,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 70,activebackground =colore,bg =colora,fg = colord,command = lambda: self.boutontheme(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
                    self.b_theme_light = tk.Button(win,state=NORMAL, text = 'Light theme',font = font3,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 70,activebackground =colore,bg =colora,fg = colord,command = lambda: self.boutontheme(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
                    self.b_theme_dark = tk.Button(win,state=NORMAL, text = 'Dark theme',font = font3,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 70,activebackground =colore,bg =colora,fg = colord,command = lambda: self.boutontheme(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
                    self.b_theme_light = tk.Button(win,state=DISABLED, text = 'Light theme',font = font3,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 70,activebackground =colore,bg =colora,fg = colord,command = lambda: self.boutontheme(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
       = 'nw', x = 5, y = 25)
       = 'nw', x = 5, y = 45)
                self.ouvert = True
            if self.ouvert == True:
                self.b_theme.config(bg = colorb)
                self.ouvert = False
        def __init__(self,colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf):
            if colora == '#18181F':
                self.t = 0
                self.t = 1
            self.ouvert = False
            self.x = 0
            #creation menu
            self.canvas_menu = Canvas(win, width =500, height =25, bg = colora, borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
    #        self.exit = Canvas(bg = colora,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
            self.exit = Canvas(win, bg = colora,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
            self.exit.create_oval(0,0,20,20, fill= colore,width = 0)
            self.exit.create_text(10, 10, text="x", fill = colord, font= font3)
    #        self.exit.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: win.destroy())
            self.exit.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: root.destroy())
            #affichage menu
   = 'nw', x = 475, y = 2)
            self.canvas_menu.grid(row = 0,column = 0, columnspan = 5)
            #creation des canvas
            self.canvas_screen = Canvas(win, width =500, height =100, bg =colorb,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
            self.canvas_keyb_num = Canvas(win, width =300, height =400, bg =colorb,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
            self.canvas_keyb_op = Canvas(win, width =200, height =400, bg =colorb,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0)
            #affchage des canvas
            self.canvas_screen.grid(row = 1,column = 0, columnspan = 5)
            self.canvas_keyb_num.grid(row = 2,column = 0, columnspan = 3, rowspan = 4)
            self.canvas_keyb_op.grid(row = 2,column = 3, columnspan = 2, rowspan = 4)
            # creation des boutons
            self.b1 = Button(win, text ='1',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('1',self))
            self.b2 = Button(win, text ='2',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('2',self))
            self.b3 = Button(win, text ='3',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('3',self))
            self.b4 = Button(win, text ='4',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('4',self))
            self.b5 = Button(win, text ='5',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('5',self))
            self.b6 = Button(win, text ='6',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('6',self))
            self.b7 = Button(win, text ='7',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('7',self))
            self.b8 = Button(win, text ='8',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('8',self))
            self.b9 = Button(win, text ='9',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('9',self))
            self.b_point = Button(win, text ='.',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('.',self))
            self.b0 = Button(win, text ='0',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('0',self))
            self.b_plus = Button(win, text ='+',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('+',self))
            self.b_moins = Button(win, text ='-',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('-',self))
            self.b_fois = Button(win, text ='*',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('*',self))
            self.b_diviser = Button(win, text ='/',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Ecrire('/',self))
            self.b_del = Button(win, text ='DEL',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Del(self))
            self.b_del_all = Button(win, text ='CE',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colora,activebackground =colorc,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = b ,font = font1,command=lambda: Del_all(self))
            self.b_egale = Button(win, text ='=',borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = colore,activebackground =colorf,foreground=colord,compound="c",image = pixel,height = a,width = 295 ,font = font1,command= lambda: Calcul(self))
            #affichage des nombres
            #colone 1
            self.b7.grid(column = 0, row = 2)
            self.b4.grid(column = 0, row = 3)
            self.b1.grid(column = 0, row = 4)
            self.b_point.grid(column = 0, row = 5)
            #colone 2
            self.b8.grid(column = 1, row = 2)
            self.b5.grid(column = 1, row = 3)
            self.b2.grid(column = 1, row = 4)
            self.b0.grid(column = 1, row = 5)
            #colone 3
            self.b9.grid(column = 2, row = 2)
            self.b6.grid(column = 2, row = 3)
            self.b3.grid(column = 2, row = 4)
            self.b_plus.grid(column = 3, row = 2)
            self.b_moins.grid(column = 4, row = 2)
            self.b_fois.grid(column = 3, row = 3)
            self.b_diviser.grid(column = 4, row = 3)
            self.b_del.grid(column = 3, row = 4)
            self.b_del_all.grid(column = 4, row = 4)
            self.b_egale.grid(column = 2, row = 5,columnspan = 3)
            self.label1 = tk.Label(win, text = '', justify = tk.RIGHT,font = font2,bg =colorb,fg = colord)
   = 'e', x = 450, y = 75)
            self.b_theme = tk.Button(win, text = 'Themes',font = font3,bg =colorb,fg = colord,borderwidth=0, highlightthickness=0,compound="c",image = pixel,height = 20,width = 50,activebackground =colore,command= lambda: self.openmenu(colora, colorb, colorc, colord, colore, colorf))
   = 'nw', x = 5, y = 2)
            self.canvas_menu.bind('<1>', self.set_xy)
            self.canvas_menu.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.move_window)
    if theme == 0:
        Dark = Theme('#18181F','#0C0C0F',"#505063",'#D1DDFF','#D12319',"#D1665F")
        Light = Theme('#F1EDF5','#D1D2E8',"#EDD5EB",'#323133','#6F2EB0',"#915ec4")
    #win.resizable(height=False,width=False)  # Not needed with overrideredirect.