I have a pm2 node.js process running. Everything is good, console logs and errors display very well in the terminal.
But as soon as I open logs file with vim or nano rather than view them with pm2 logs
, I get a mess !
It looks like that :
01/07/2021 09:10:19 GMT+00:00: ^[[0mPOST /auth/refresh ^[[33m404^[[0m 4.601 ms - 74^[[0m
01/07/2021 09:10:20 GMT+00:00: ^[[0mPOST /auth/refresh ^[[33m404^[[0m 0.868 ms -
01/07/2021 09:10:28 GMT+00:00: ^[[0mPOST /auth/ ^[[32m200^[[0m 163.059 ms - 677^[[0m
01/07/2021 09:10:28 GMT+00:00: ^[[0mGET /messages/info/by-role/3 ^[[32m200^[[0m 8.993 ms - 586^[[0m
01/07/2021 09:10:28 GMT+00:00: ^[[0mGET /exchanges/lasts/9?limit=5 ^[[32m200^[[0m 10.884 ms - 484^[[0m
I do think it's because of colors. They are only well interpreted by the terminal but are weirdly stored. One of the solution could be to remove those colors but I was wondering if there is a way to just display them nicely in vim, nano or another text editor.
There is nothing weird, those escape codes are ANSI color codes embedded in the file.
cannot display them as colors and I don't know any plugin to convert them to vim colors. Either remove them or use a different program.
Try less -R