data dput data subset
which looks like this
drug_id drug_name synonyms Pathway
1 1559 Luminespib AUY922, VER-52296,NVP-AUY922, AUY Protein stability and degradation
2 1058 Pictilisib GDC-0941, GDC0941, RG-7621 PI3K/MTOR signaling
3 1088 Irinotecan Camptosar, (+)-Irinotecan, Irinotecanum, irinotecan hydrochloride DNA replication
4 1549 Sapitinib AZD8931 EGFR signaling
5 1558 Lapatinib Tykerb, Tyverb EGFR signaling
6 1050 ZM447439 ZM-447439, ZM 447439 Mitosis
targets pubchem col
1 HSP90 10096043 Protein stability and degradation
2 PI3K (class 1) 17755052 PI3K/MTOR signaling
3 TOP1 60838 DNA replication
4 EGFR, ERBB2, ERBB3 11488320 EGFR signaling
5 EGFR, ERBB2 208908 EGFR signaling
6 AURKA, AURKB 9914412 Mitosis
I would like to add a column to it which can assign color to each pathway terms.
In my dataframe I have dim(d2) [1] 190 7
and the levels present
[1] Protein stability and degradation PI3K/MTOR signaling DNA replication
[4] EGFR signaling Mitosis Cell cycle
[7] Other RTK signaling Apoptosis regulation
[10] ERK MAPK signaling Other, kinases WNT signaling
[13] Genome integrity Chromatin histone methylation Chromatin other
[16] Metabolism p53 pathway Cytoskeleton
[19] Hormone-related Chromatin histone acetylation IGF1R signaling
[22] ABL signaling JNK and p38 signaling
24 Levels: ABL signaling Apoptosis regulation Cell cycle Chromatin histone acetylation ... WNT signaling
The objective of assigning colors is I want to use this dataframe for waffle
I tried this link couldn't make it work. Any suggestion would be really appreciated
I am having trouble with the link to your data. Would you mind checking that it is working?
You could use one of these functions to generate hex codes for each factor level
Here's an approach that comes to mind
lookup <- data.frame(
color = rainbow(n = length(unique(d2$Pathway))),
Pathway = unique(d2$Pathway))
# merge lookup table with original dataframe
d3 <- merge(d2, lookup, by = "Pathway")