I've tried to compile and link lua with my application. This is my makefile:
app.o: app.cpp
g++ -c app.cpp
LUA= \
$(PATH_LUA)/lapi.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lauxlib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lbaselib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lcode.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lcorolib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lctype.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/ldblib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/ldebug.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/ldo.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/ldump.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lfunc.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lgc.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/linit.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/liolib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/llex.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lmathlib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lmem.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/loadlib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lobject.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lopcodes.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/loslib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lparser.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lstate.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lstring.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lstrlib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/ltable.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/ltablib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/ltm.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lundump.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lutf8lib.c \
$(PATH_LUA)/lvm.c \
g++ -shared $(LUA) -fPIC -o lua/libLua.so
all: libLua.so app.o
g++ -o app app.o -I$(PATH_LUA) -lLua -Llua -ldl
The compilation works fine, but something is wrong with the linkage, because I get tons of undefined references to "lua_XYZ-function"
. The undefined reference to lua_tointegerx
for example makes no sense, since its implementation is located in lapi.c
which is in the file-list above.
(INB4: "This is a duplicate question!" … I've tried my best to check them all.)
What am I missing?
You have to compile lua as c++-code explicitly.
You do this by including
#include <lua.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
instead of
#include <lua.hpp>
which includes that extern "C" {...}