I just tried to create a custom preset for renovate as described here. My goal was to ban certain versions of dependencies. So I created a JSON file my.json
like this:
"packageRules": [
"matchPackageNames": ["commons-logging"],
"allowedVersions": "!/.*-does-not-exist$/"
As we are using bitbucket-server, I've put it into a repository called renovate-config
in a project lets say XYZ
. I changed the renovate.json
file on the master branch of one service to:
"$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
"extends": [
Unfortunately renovate is not picking this up. The provider is configured correctly and renovate is fully working with our bitbucket-server instance, but it is either not picking up the preset, or anything else is going amiss.
Any help welcome.
Ok. Here is the solution: Actually my approach was correct. And the preset was retrieved and applied. I just made a mistake in formulating the rules:
This works:
"packageRules": [
"matchPackageNames": [".*:commons-logging"],
"allowedVersions": "!/.*-does-not-exist$/"
Mind the .*:
added at the beginning of the package name. For Maven artifacts this needs to include the groupId.
I also found that when activating debug or trace logging it is pretty clear what happens.