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How can conditions be handled in GCL?

handler-case is key to handling conditions in Common Lisp, but GCL 2.6.12 on Ubuntu 18.04 considers it to be an undefined function:

>(handler-case (error "test") (error (condition) condition))                   
Error: UNDEFINED-FUNCTION :NAME HANDLER-CASE                                   
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging                   
Signalled by EVAL.                                                             
UNDEFINED-FUNCTION :NAME HANDLER-CASE                                          

Broken at EVAL.  Type :H for Help.                                             
    1  Return to top level.                                                    

The same is true for handler-bind.

The only function related to handling conditions or errors that is obvious in the GCL manual is the GCL-specific universal-error-handler.

How can conditions be handled in GCL, preferably in a way that is supported by other Lisps?


  • The situation is explained in the project's README.Debian:

    [...] The common lisp standard in effect when GCL was first released is known as "Common Lisp, the Language" (CLtL1) after a book by Steele of the same name providing this specification. Subsequently, a much expanded standard was adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which is still considered the definitive common lisp language specification to this day.


    To toggle the use of the ANSI image, set the environment variable GCL_ANSI to any non-empty string.

    (This Debian bug has a little more info.)

    handler-case requires ANSI support, so on Debian-based systems, GCL needs to be started with the GCL_ANSI environment variable set; for example:

    $ GCL_ANSI=1 gcl

    To reflect the change, the first line of the startup message changes from:

    GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  2.6.12 CLtL1    Fri Apr 22 15:51:11 UTC 2016


    GCL (GNU Common Lisp)  2.6.12 ANSI    Fri Apr 22 15:51:11 UTC 2016