When I project the walking street network of Amsterdam I miss some of the nodes of the initial graph.
import networkx as nx
import osmnx as ox
G_wgs84 = ox.graph_from_place('Amsterdam',retain_all=True, network_type='walk')
G = ox.project_graph(G_wgs84, to_crs='epsg:28992')
Nodes of G_wgs84 = 45960
Nodes of G = 45936
An identified example of a node existing in G_wgs84 but not in G is 7394240355.
Is there any logical explanation of why some nodes exist in the initial graph but not in the projected one?
I get the exact same number of nodes when I run your code snippet:
import osmnx as ox
print(ox.__version__) # prints v1.1.1
G1 = ox.graph_from_place('Amsterdam', retain_all=True, network_type='walk')
G2 = ox.project_graph(G1, to_crs='epsg:28992')
print(len(G1.nodes), len(G2.nodes)) # prints 46079 46079