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Integration google Ima SDK and IMA DAI SDK at the same time

I want to create an ios application that will consist of a video player and its ability to show IMA DAI ads and IMA ads.

After going through the documentation of both types

I was able to play each alone, what I am trying to achieve is to show both ADS (IMA DAI ads and IMA ads) on the same Player.

What I am currently doing is the following: Loading the IMA ads and once the ads are done I am stopping it then hide the player and load the DAI ads with a different player.

But it is taking time to load and I am not sure it is the right way to do it, is there any other solution that could be done?



  • According to the the documentation, both respond to different use case :

    • IMA client-side SDK : you handle your player yourself (it only brings the adserver abilities)

    With IMA client-side SDKs, you maintain control of content video playback, while the SDK handles ad playback. Ads play in a separate video player positioned on top of the app's content video player.

    • IMA DAI SDK : you look for a complete solution from Google (handling both player and adserver)

    With IMA DAI SDKs, apps make a stream request for ad and content video—either VOD or live content. The SDK then returns a combined video stream, so that you don't have to manage switching between ad and content video within your app.

    I am afraid you will have to make a choice. And if you look for a wider demand, you might want to choose the DAI one (here again).