I am having difficulties to insert element that are relationship to each other. I am pretty sure I am just doing it wrong. Here a exemple of how I am trying to do it. Mikro does not seem set the fk in the table dec_declinaison.
/* Schema
CREATE TABLE prog.prc_programme_code (
prc_id serial NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT i_prc_pk PRIMARY KEY (prc_id),
CREATE TABLE prog.dec_declinaison (
dec_id serial NOT NULL,
prc_id int4 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT i_dec_pk PRIMARY KEY (dec_id),
import { Collection, Entity, ManyToOne, MikroORM, OneToMany, PrimaryKey } from '@mikro-orm/core';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
@Entity({ collection: 'prog.prc_programme_code' })
class Programme {
@PrimaryKey({ fieldName: 'prc_id' })
id!: number;
@OneToMany(() => Declinaison, (declinaison) => declinaison.programme)
declinaison = new Collection<Declinaison>(this);
@Entity({ collection: 'prog.dec_declinaison' })
class Declinaison {
@PrimaryKey({ fieldName: 'dec_id' })
id!: string;
@ManyToOne({ entity: () => Programme, fieldName: 'prc_id' })
programme!: Programme;
(async () => {
const orm = await MikroORM.init({
debug: true,
discovery: { warnWhenNoEntities: false },
entities: [Programme, Declinaison],
type: 'postgresql',
const programme = new Programme();
const declinaison = new Declinaison();
await orm.em.persistAndFlush(programme);
/* Result
[query] begin
[query] insert into "prog"."prc_programme_code" default values returning "prc_id" [took 8 ms]
[query] insert into "prog"."dec_declinaison" ("prc_id") values (NULL) returning "dec_id" [took 4 ms]
[query] rollback
(node:32404) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: NotNullConstraintViolationException:
insert into "prog"."dec_declinaison" ("prc_id") values (NULL) returning "dec_id" -
null value in column "prc_id" of relation "dec_declinaison" violates not-null constraint
The code example above did not work because there was a bug in the library. A fix is already committed. See the GitHub issue below for more details.