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How to Query Images via GraphQL with the gatsby-plugin-image plugin

Hi I'm using Prismic as a Headless CMS and want to Query out images within the gatsby-plugin-images plugin. Unfotunatly I got no error message or anything else, its just not working.

class Index extends Component {
  render() {
    const {
      data: { homepage },
    } = this.props
    const image = getImage(
    return (
        <IndexWrapper id={website.skipNavId} style={{ paddingTop: '2rem', paddingBottom: '2rem' }}>
              <GatsbyImage image={image} alt={} />

export default Index

Index.propTypes = {
  data: PropTypes.shape({
    homepage: PropTypes.shape({
      data: PropTypes.shape({
        title: PropTypes.shape({
          text: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        content: PropTypes.shape({
          html: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        gesichter: PropTypes.shape({
          alt: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
          localFile: PropTypes.shape({
            childImageSharp: PropTypes.shape({
              gatsbyImageData: PropTypes.element.isRequired,

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query IndexQuery {
    homepage: prismicHomepage {
      data {
        title {
        content {
        gesichter {
          localFile {
            childImageSharp {
                width: 200
                placeholder: BLURRED
                layout: FULL_WIDTH

I think there is something wrong with the prop types gatsbyImageData: PropTypes.element.isRequired, but I didn't got further.

Does anyone has an idea what to do?


  • It's possible that your localFile field is null. According to your PropTypes, the localFile field is not required which could be why you are not seeing a warning or error.

    Can you confirm that gatsby-source-prismic is configured to download files locally?

    You can do this by including this in your site's gatsby-config.js file:

    // In your gatsby-config.js
    plugins: [
        resolve: 'gatsby-source-prismic',
        options: {
          // Along with your other options...
          // Set a function to determine if images are downloaded locally and made
          // available for gatsby-transformer-sharp for use with gatsby-image.
          // The document node, field key (i.e. API ID), and field value are
          // provided to the function, as seen below. This allows you to use
          // different logic for each field if necessary.
          // This defaults to always return false.
          shouldDownloadImage: ({ node, key, value }) => {
            // Return true to download the image or false to skip.
            return true

    For most cases, that option can look like this:

    plugins: [
        resolve: 'gatsby-source-prismic',
        options: {
          // Along with your other options...
          shouldDownloadImage: () => true,

    After restarting your Gatsby development server with gatsby develop, you should see your images downloading and available at the localFile field.