I have a plot in Matlab as following, I want to add some parameters to the figure like the figure which I have added. Could you help me with how to solve that? Thank you so much.
delta = 0.5;
I2 =4;
T = 5;
tau = 0.5;
b = 8;
a = 6;
c = 8;
d = 4;
t = [0:0.001:5];
y =(a-b*exp(-tau*t)).*(t>=0 & t<delta*T )+(-d+c*exp(-tau*(t-delta*T))).*(t>=delta*T & t<=T);
plot(t,y , 'b', 'LineWidth',1.8)
hold on
x = [0:0.01:12];
max = 4*ones(1,1201);
min = -2*ones(1,1201);
z = 0*ones(1,1201);
plot(x,max , '--g', 'LineWidth',1)
hold on
plot(x,min , '--g', 'LineWidth',1)
plot(2,min , '--g', 'LineWidth',1)
plot(x,z , 'k', 'LineWidth',1.7)
axis([0 6 -4 6])
I think this code might generate something close for what you are looking. It is important to say that the arrows for x and y can be added using the same "annotation command".
delta = 0.5;
I2 =4;
T = 5;
tau = 0.5;
b = 8;
a = 6;
c = 8;
d = 4;
t = [0:0.001:5];
y =(a-b*exp(-tau*t)).*(t>=0 & t<delta*T )+(-d+c*exp(-tau*(t-delta*T))).*(t>=delta*T & t<=T);
plot(t,y , 'b', 'LineWidth',1.8,'DisplayName',"Data")
% Change the y limits
ylim([-4 6])
hold on
% %% Set the horizontal lines and its name in the y axis
% MAX LINE - Create a yline Cte along the plot
hLine = yline(4);
hLine.LineWidth = 1;
hLine.Color = "g";
hLine.LineStyle = "--";
hLine.DisplayName = "Max Line";
% MIN LINE - Create a yline Cte along the plot
hLine = yline(-2);
hLine.LineWidth = 1;
hLine.Color = "g";
hLine.LineStyle = "--";
hLine.DisplayName = "Min Line";
% Zero LINE - Create a yline Cte along the plot
hLine = yline(0);
hLine.LineWidth = 1.7;
hLine.Color = "k";
hLine.LineStyle = "-";
% Change the "name" in the y axis
hAxis = gca;
% Get index
% - when y is equal to "Max" in this case 4
% - when y is equal to "MIN" in this case -2
idx = hAxis.YTick == 4;
hAxis.YTickLabel{idx} = 'X';
idx = hAxis.YTick == -2;
hAxis.YTickLabel{idx} = 'Y';
% %% Set the vertical lines and its name in the x axis
% Delta LINE - Create a xline Cte along the plot
hLine = xline(2.5);
hLine.LineWidth = 1;
hLine.Color = "k";
hLine.LineStyle = "-";
% MIN LINE - Create a yline Cte along the plot
hLine = xline(4);
hLine.LineWidth = 1;
hLine.Color = "k";
hLine.LineStyle = "-";
% Add the notes
annotation('textbox',[.55 .2 .3 .3],"String","Delta",...
annotation('textbox',[0.8 0.2 .3 .3],"String","A",...
The previous code will generate the next figure.