I want my display from the console to be displayed in a GUI (Tkinter). It should display exactly when it outputs to the Python console and not after the project is finished. Can you do this with Tkinter or are there other alternatives? These are my current output. These should be shown on a gui in real Time.
Start program
iterations: [159]
Iteration 1 = complete
Iteration 2 = complete
Iteration 159 = complete
lr 1.0
rc 1.0
rf 0.9966666666666667
gb 1.0
Training time: 8.76517425537s
Training finished
Process finished with exit code 0
You can do the following:
import sys
from tkinter import Tk, Button, Frame
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText
class PrintLogger(object): # create file like object
def __init__(self, textbox): # pass reference to text widget
self.textbox = textbox # keep ref
def write(self, text):
self.textbox.configure(state="normal") # make field editable
self.textbox.insert("end", text) # write text to textbox
self.textbox.see("end") # scroll to end
self.textbox.configure(state="disabled") # make field readonly
def flush(self): # needed for file like object
class MainGUI(Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.root = Frame(self)
self.redirect_button = Button(self.root, text="Redirect console to widget", command=self.redirect_logging)
self.redirect_button = Button(self.root, text="Redirect console reset", command=self.reset_logging)
self.test_button = Button(self.root, text="Test Print", command=self.test_print)
self.log_widget = ScrolledText(self.root, height=4, width=120, font=("consolas", "8", "normal"))
def reset_logging(self):
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
def test_print(self):
print("Am i working?")
def redirect_logging(self):
logger = PrintLogger(self.log_widget)
sys.stdout = logger
sys.stderr = logger
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = MainGUI()