I can not solve a very simple problem in the Simulink: summation of 2 equal size vectors and writing the result into the Matlab workspace.
The trivial operation that takes 1 line in Matlab seems a real problem in the simulink.
I have 2 vectors with the same size, for e.g. 10x1 and I want to get their summation result into the workspace with the same size (10x1).
I have already used 'sum' block for that and even my own function with element-wise summation, but I think the problem is that Simulink block 'to workspace' always concatenate outputs either along 1-st or 3-rd dimension. Hence the size of the output does not inherit the size of inputs.
I can not find any solution in the web, will be really appreciate for your help!
I didn't notice the vectors are saved in a column-based using "to workspace" block. Did you try to add "(:)" in your code to get it in a single column?
As I know, storing the data in columns (1x10) is faster than in rows (10x1). Maybe that is the reason for getting columns instead of rows. https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/216512-which-is-faster-a-row-vector-or-a-column-vector-can-anyone-answer-me-please