Search code examples

AVL trees insertion and deletion

I would like to know whether I am applying the following insertion and deletion operations correctly on an AVL tree:

                          /  \
                        44    78
                       /  \     \
                     17    50    88
                          /  \
                        48    54
  • insert(42)
  • insert(90)
  • delete(62)
  • insert(92)
  • delete(50)

For this question, a deletion replaces the deleted item with its successor.

This is how I think the tree should be modified by those operations:

insert(42) and insert(90)

                          /  \
                        44    78
                       /  \     \
                     17    50    88
                       \   /  \    \
                       42 48  54    90



                          /  \
                        44    88
                       /  \     \
                     17    50    90
                       \   /  \    
                       42 48  54    


                          /  \
                        44    88
                       /  \     \
                     17    50    90
                       \   /  \    \  
                       42 48  54    92


                          /  \
                        44    88
                       /  \     \
                     17    54    90
                       \   /       \  
                       42 48        92


  • There are a two cases where rotations are needed:

                            /        \
                         __44__      78
                        /      \       \
                       17      50      88
                              /  \
                             48  54

    You had applied insert(42) correctly, but insert(90) creates an unbalanced subtree rooted at 78 (marked with asterisk): its right side has a height of 2, while its left side is empty:

                            /        \
                         __44__      78*
                        /      \       \
                       17      50      88
                         \    /  \       \
                         42  48  54       90

    So, this will not stay like that: a simple left rotation will move 88 up, and 78 down:

                            /        \
                         __44__      88
                        /      \    /  \
                       17      50  78  90
                         \    /  \    
                         42  48  54    

    You had it correct for delete(62): that will swap the root with its successor, which is 78, and then 62 is removed:

                            /        \
                         __44__      88
                        /      \       \
                       17      50      90
                         \    /  \    
                         42  48  54   

    insert(92) will bring an unbalance at node 88:

                            /        \
                         __44__      88*
                        /      \       \
                       17      50      90
                         \    /  \       \
                         42  48  54      92

    And so a simple left rotation is again applied:

                            /        \
                         __44__      90
                        /      \    /  \
                       17      50  88  92
                         \    /  \       
                         42  48  54      

    delete(50) was correctly executed. Given the above state, we get:

                            /        \
                         __44__      90
                        /      \    /  \
                       17      54  88  92
                         \    /         
                         42  48