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Is it possible to preserve the case of an HTTP GET request in ColdFusion MX 7?

Is it possible to preserve the case of the GET field names in ColdFusion MX 7 (the case is preserved in CF9)? I've searched tirelessly for an answer but all solutions seem to be POST specific, whereas this is a GET.

N.B. I am aware that RFC2616 states that HTTP field names are case-insensitive, but we're all aware how easy specifications can be deviated from...


Given the following ColdFusion script (let's call it 'url-case-test.cfm'):


And navigating to this script using the following parameter decorated URL:


I get the output:


Any suggestions on how I preserve the case? Help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Another option is using getParameterMap() which returns a case-sensitive structure of parameters.

    <cfset map = getPageContext().getRequest().getParameterMap()>