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WPF - Can multiple CommandBindings be executed for the same command?

In WPF I'm trying to use commands to set all the content in multiple textboxes at once. The following code is able to get a command on the toggle button to execute for which ever textbox has scope but I can't seem to get the command to execute for both at the same time.

    <ToggleButton FocusManager.IsFocusScope="True" Command="EditingCommands.ToggleBold" Width="20" Height="20"></ToggleButton>
    <RichTextBox Width="200" Height="200">
                        Executed="CommandBinding_Executed" CanExecute="CommandBinding_CanExecute"/>
    <RichTextBox Width="200" Height="200">
                        Executed="CommandBinding_Executed" CanExecute="CommandBinding_CanExecute"/>

Private Sub CommandBinding_Executed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.ExecutedRoutedEventArgs)
    DirectCast(sender, RichTextBox).SelectAll()
    DirectCast(sender, RichTextBox).Selection.ApplyPropertyValue(RichTextBox.FontWeightProperty, "Bold")
    e.Handled = False
End Sub

Private Sub CommandBinding_CanExecute(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs)
    e.CanExecute = True
End Sub

Is what I am trying to do possible with commands? I would prefer not having to make direct references to each textbox in code behind inside a click_event or anything like.

Thanks for the help!


  • I would reference the parent container, and look through it's children for a specified type, then perform your action on the child object providing it is the type you want.

    Something like

    foreach(var child in MyRootPanel.Children)
        if (child is RichTextBox)
            // Process whatever