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Adding logging if return value is None

Suppose there are two functions findUser(id:String):Option[User] and findAddress(user:User):Option[Address] invoked as follows:

for(user <- findUser(id); address <- findAddress(user)) println(address)

Now I would like to add error logging to this for-comprehension. I would like to call a log(msg:String) function if either user or address is not found.

for(user <- findUser(id) ifNone log("user not found"); 
    address <- findAddress(user) ifNone log("address not found")) 

Can I do it without changing the function signatures?


  • Maybe

    implicit def withIfNone[A](o: Option[A]) = new {
      def ifNone(action: => Unit) = { if (o == None) action; o }

    You may also consider using Either instead of option (or converting your options to Either). That would not work with a foreach (a for without a yield), but you might do

      a <- option1.toRight("option1 missing").right; 
      b <- option2.toRight("option2 missing").right)
    yield f(a,b)

    Then you can pattern match on the result with

    case Left(error) => log (error)
    case Right(result) => // use result