I built a flutter app and am struggling to upload ipa file for testflight now. I built ipa file with following steps:
Then got the error after step 5.
*** Error: Error uploading 'ProjectName.ipa'.
*** Error: ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision." (-18000)
I saw below page and changed "New build system" to "Legacy Build System" at Build System, but am still getting the same error:
I checked the contents of Runner.app generated at step 2 and found "embedded.mobileprovision" there. However not sure where to check for provisioning profile and how to add it if its missing.
I'm using MacOS Big sur, xcode 12.5.1, flutter 2.3.0-17.0.
You can check the Provisioning profile in Xcode like image below
I'm using Fastlane which will handle sharing provisioning profiles to your team but anyways You can go check in Xcode to see if you download and install provisioning profile correctly. If it's correct it shouldn't show any warning or errors