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Simple_form: How to set f.input with with boolean values?

In DB, I have a boolean column, let's call it morning.

In a view, this is how I display a select box menu:

  = f.input :morning, label: false, required: true, collection: [["Yes", true], ["No", false]], input_html: { class: "..." }

However, when I send this form, nothing will be saved to DB.

If I try modify it, like this:

  = f.input :morning, label: false, required: true, collection: ["Yes", "No"], input_html: { class: "..." }

Same thing happens.

What's the correct way of setting a select box with true/false value?


  • Your issue is not with the values in collection, but with input type.

    <%= f.input :morning, as: :select, collection: [['Yes',true], ['No',false]], required: true, include_blank: false %>

    Something like this. Just pay attention to: as: :select