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Laravel - Tinker breakpoint in controller

New to Lavarel.

I am trying to debug a controller's method in Laravel, to do so I'm using Tinker (which is based on Psysh).

I added both of these versions to the breakpoint inside the method signup of my MySuperController:


I've run php artisan tinker and done the following in the console:

$controller = app()->make('\App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1\MySuperController');
app()->call([$controller, 'signup'], ["param"=>"value"]);

When executing that, Tinker responds with: Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException with message 'The given data was invalid.'

But I never see the code stop on the breakpoint. Did I assume wrongly that I could debug step by step with Tinker?


  • This answer was based off of user @lagbox's comment. I asked them to make it an answer so I could choose it, but it's been 4 months, so I'm creating it myself so others can quickly see the question has been answered:

    User @lagbox mentioned in a comment:

    are you using a form request to validate? if so they are resolved and validated before your controller method is called

    The comment was spot on. Tmethod was using a custom request class, which extended from api/application/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/FormRequest.php . I added the eval() within that class and it finally got to the breakpoint.