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Reduce GPS data set by distance

I have a set of GPS coordinates, created by a GPS sensor and a Raspberry Pi. I am poling the sensor at 10hz and recording the data into an SQL DB on the Pi. The system is on top of my car (and part of a house scanning tool for the building industry). The issue is that I am driving at different speeds. In some instances I have to stop to allow other cars to pass, all the while record GPS location at 10hz.

Once the data is recorded I want to post-process the GPS data and output a reduced list of coordinates so that I have locations approximately 1 metre apart.

I know I can maybe use Pandas for this, but have no idea where to start.

This is an example data set:


Any help will be very much appreciated.


  • I worked a solution based on finding the distance suggested by @Ferris. The 'mpu.haversine_distance' function returns a distance in KM'd between two lat/lng pairs. I multiply by 1000 to display as metres. I then add these distances up and if it gets over 1 metre I report back that lat/lng. This can be adjusted to 3 metres etc.

    import mpu
    def processTheSet(batch):
        mycursorll = mydb.cursor()
        sqlll = "SELECT latt, longg FROM interPol WHERE batchID = %s ORDER BY `fileTime`"
        batchI = (batch,)
        mycursorll.execute(sqlll, batchI)
        firstResult = mycursorll.fetchone()
        firstLat = float(firstResult[0])
        firstLng = float(firstResult[1])
        myresultll = mycursorll.fetchall()
        i = 0
        count = 0
        counter = 0
        dist = 0
        for x in myresultll:
            i = i + 1
            thisLat = float(x[0])
            thisLong = float(x[1])
            dist = mpu.haversine_distance((firstLat, firstLng), (thisLat, thisLong)) * 1000
            firstLat = thisLat
            firstLng = thisLong
            counter = counter + dist
            if counter > 1:
                count = count + 1
                counter = 0
                print(thisLong, ",", thisLat)