I'd like to show change of wordCount in homeWidget
return Scaffold(
body: Column(
children: [
flex: 1,
child: RecorderView(
onSaved: _onRecordComplete,
the variablewordCount
relies on RecordView method:
I write this to get state variable here
class RecorderView extends StatefulWidget {
final Function onSaved;
final int wordCount;
const RecorderView({Key key, @required this.onSaved,@required this.wordCount}) : super(key: key);
_RecorderViewState createState() => _RecorderViewState();
class _RecorderViewState extends State<RecorderView> {
//in one method
I want to add wordCount here,but it says it's a final one.How could I inherit wordCount from homeWidget without final
? I just want to change the word show in wordCount automatically,thanks!!
You cant inherit the variable, you can however initialize it to a value from the widget.
class RecorderView extends StatefulWidget {
final Function onSaved;
final int wordCount;
const RecorderView({Key key, @required this.onSaved,@required this.wordCount}) : super(key: key);
_RecorderViewState createState() => _RecorderViewState();
class _RecorderViewState extends State<RecorderView> {
int _wordCount;
void initState() {
_wordCount = widget.wordCount;