Im trying to disable the swiper autoplay depending on a widget name parameter that gets me the a value. (Im using magento widget and i get the value from the widget.xml) Here is a example:
simulateTouch: <?= ($block->getData('is_gestures') == "1") ?'true':'false'?>,
// ---- gestures end -----
freeMode: true,
// --- infinite loop -----
loop: <?= ($block->getData('infiniteLoop') == "1") ?'true':'false'?>,
// --- autoplay ----
autoplay: {
delay: 2500,
disableOnInteraction: false,
with the other values its easy because its a true of false but in this case i need that code to appear if my $block->getData('autoplay') == "1" but i cant figure out how to do it i tried
<?= ($block->getData(‘autoplay’) == "1") ?{ delay: 2500, disableOnInteraction: false, },:''?>, or with the code inside '' but it bugs my swiper all the time
<?= ($block->getData(‘autoplay’) == "1") ?'{ delay: 2500, disableOnInteraction: false, }':'false'?>,
The solution was wrapping the code that belongs to autoplay == 1 in '' and before the : is false and it works that way