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Wix installer accepting license key and saving in file

How can WIX installer accept license key in UI and save it in a specified location?

I have created a customized dialog to accept key from user and set it in the specified property but when I pass this input to custom action so as to save the value in a file, the custom action receives the initial value of the property not the one entered by user.

May be my install execute sequence is wrong. When should I schedule its execution?

 <Custom Action="CA_SaveProperty" After="InstallFiles" /> 

I have tried:



Before ="InstallFinalize"

What I want is the custom action to invoke after user enters the license key and before installer is ready to copy files.


  • After lots of struggle I found it was easy :

      <CustomAction Id="CA_SaveProperty"  BinaryKey="CA_SavePropertyDLL"  DllEntry="ReadProperty"  Execute="commit"  Return="check" />
      <Custom Action="CA_SaveProperty" After="InstallFiles" />