I want to have a new clean session after each of my tests. In order to do that I use reloadSession() in an afterScenario hook
afterScenario: ({tags: 'not @last'}, async function (world,result) {
await browser.reloadSession();
However, I don't want this hook triggered on the last scenario (I don't want an extra session to reload if it's not needed) so I tagged my last test on the feature file as @last.
Scenario: An anonymous user cannot login with the wrong credentials
Given I am on the 'login' page
When I login with invalid credentials
| username | password |
| wrongUser | wrongPassword |
Then I should the following error message
| error |
| Error: Incorrect login or password provided. |
When I try to do this and run the hook for all the tests without the @last tag, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong here?
This we can handle in 2 ways:
Use ~ instead of not like (May or May not work):
afterScenario: ({tags: '~@last'}, async function (world,result) { await browser.reloadSession(); });
Take 'scenario' as parameter to this async function like this:
afterScenario: (async function (world,result, scenario) { let isLastTag; scenario.pickle.tags.forEach(tag => { isLastTag = tag.equals("@last"); });
if (!isLastTag)
await browser.reloadSession();
While executing, cucumberjs stores complete scenario info in 'scenario' and using that, we can filter out like above