I am very new to flutter/Dart programming and am confused by the code below. I didn't write the code but I would like to use it to display event markers on the calendar grid of the table_calendar plugin.
class calEvent {
final String title;
const calEvent(this.title);
String toString() => title;
/// Example events.
/// Using a [LinkedHashMap] is highly recommended if you decide to use a map.
final kEvents = LinkedHashMap<DateTime, List<calEvent>>(
equals: isSameDay,
hashCode: getHashCode,
**<<<<<< I think FirestoreService().getEvent() would go here but I don't know how to add it or convert from Stream<List<Event>> to LinkedHashMap<DateTime, List<calEvent>> >>>>>>**
final _kEventSource = Map.fromIterable(List.generate(50, (index) => index),
key: (item) => DateTime.utc(2020, 10, item * 5),
value: (item) => List.generate(
item % 4 + 1, (index) => calEvent('Event $item | ${index + 1}')))
DateTime.now(): [
calEvent('Today\'s Event 1'),
calEvent('Today\'s Event 2'),
int getHashCode(DateTime key) {
return key.day * 1000000 + key.month * 10000 + key.year;
/// Returns a list of [DateTime] objects from [first] to [last], inclusive.
List<DateTime> daysInRange(DateTime first, DateTime last) {
final dayCount = last.difference(first).inDays + 1;
return List.generate(
(index) => DateTime.utc(first.year, first.month, first.day + index),
final kNow = DateTime.now();
final kFirstDay = DateTime(kNow.year, kNow.month - 3, kNow.day);
final kLastDay = DateTime(kNow.year, kNow.month + 3, kNow.day);
I create events on another page and store them in a Firebase collection. I can pull those events from the collection into a Stream<DateTime, List> but then I want to display them on the table_calendar grid based on the day they should occur. This code does this very well but not from a firebase collection. I want to implement it into my code but use code for pulling events from the Firebase collection as the source.
My problem is that I don't understand how/where to put my code in the _kEventSource code. I am attaching a file with some of my code so you can see what I am doing.
I would greatly appreciate advice on this.
Here is the code for building the table_calendar:
This is the code that builds the basic calendar framework and builds the event list below the calendar grid.
class _AppointmentCalendarScreenState extends State<AppointmentCalendarScreen> with TickerProviderStateMixin {
late final ValueNotifier<List<calEvent>> _selectedEvents;
late StreamController<Map<DateTime, List>> _streamController;
CalendarFormat _calendarFormat = CalendarFormat.month;
RangeSelectionMode _rangeSelectionMode = RangeSelectionMode
.toggledOff; // Can be toggled on/off by longpressing a date
List<calEvent> _getEventsForDay(DateTime day) {
// Implementation example
return kEvents[day] ?? [];
List<calEvent> _getEventsForRange(DateTime start, DateTime end) {
// Implementation example
final days = daysInRange(start, end);
return [
for (final d in days) ..._getEventsForDay(d),
void _onDaySelected(DateTime selectedDay, DateTime focusedDay) {
if (!isSameDay(_selectedDay, selectedDay)) {
setState(() {
_selectedDay = selectedDay;
_focusedDay = focusedDay;
_rangeStart = null; // Important to clean those
_rangeEnd = null;
_rangeSelectionMode = RangeSelectionMode.toggledOff;
_selectedEvents.value = _getEventsForDay(selectedDay);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final eventProvider = Provider.of<EventProvider>(context);
FirebaseFirestore _db = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
title: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
fit: BoxFit.cover, height: 56),
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
body: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
children: <Widget>[
StreamBuilder( **<<<< I get the events from Firebase here**
stream: **_firestoreService.getEventStream(_selectedDay)**,
builder: (context, AsyncSnapshot <List<Event>> eventsSnapShot) {
if (eventsSnapShot.hasData) {
var doc = eventsSnapShot.data!;
for (int i = 0; i < doc.length; i++ ) {
return _buildTableCalendar();
} else {
return CircularProgressIndicator();
const SizedBox(height: 8.0),
**This is where the calendar grid is built**
Widget _buildTableCalendar() {
return TableCalendar(
firstDay: kFirstDay,
lastDay: kLastDay,
focusedDay: _selectedDay,
selectedDayPredicate: (day) => isSameDay(_selectedDay, day),
locale: 'en_US',
eventLoader: _getEventsForDay, // **This is important**
//holidays: _holidays,
onDaySelected: _onDaySelected,
//onVisibleDaysChanged: _onVisibleDaysChanged,
//onCalendarCreated: _onCalendarCreated,
This is the code for the call, FirestoreService().getEvent(), I use to get the events from the Firebase collection:
Stream<List<Event>> getEventStream(DateTime dateTime) async* {
yield* _db.collection('agency').doc(globals.agencyId).collection('event')
.where('eventDate', isGreaterThanOrEqualTo: Timestamp.fromDate(dateTime))
.snapshots().map((snapshot) => snapshot.docs
.map((document) => Event.fromFirestore(document.data()))
This is the Event data model:
class Event {
final String? eventName;
//final TimeOfDay eventStartTime;
final DateTime? eventStartTime;
final String? eventDuration;
final DateTime? eventDate;
final String? eventDescription;
final String? agentId;
final String? agencyId;
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
'eventName': eventName,
'eventStartTime': eventStartTime,
'eventDuration': eventDuration,
'eventDate': eventDate,
'eventDescription': eventDescription,
'agentId': agentId,
'agencyId': agencyId,
// pass in a map and get an object back
Event.fromFirestore(Map<String, dynamic> firestore)
: eventName = firestore['eventName'],
eventStartTime = firestore['eventStartTime'].toDate(),
eventDuration = firestore['eventDuration'],
eventDate = firestore['eventDate'].toDate(),
eventDescription = firestore['eventDescription'],
agentId = firestore['agentId'],
agencyId = firestore['agencyId'];
Before kEvents
, you have to make another map
These are the steps with code snippets.
Get data from firebase (List<Event>
You are already doing this.
Let's called this snapshot.data
Map these events to kEventSource
Map<DateTime, List<Event>> kEventSource = {};
(snapshot.data).forEach((element) {
)] = kEventSource[DateTime(
)] !=
? [
: [element];
Now we have a map data structure with dateTime
as key and list of events on that day as value.
"2 July 2021" : [Event1, Event2, ...],
is defined.final kEvents = LinkedHashMap<DateTime, List<Event>>(
equals: isSameDay,
hashCode: getHashCode,
functions come from the package itself.
Source code:
/// Checks if two DateTime objects are the same day.
/// Returns `false` if either of them is null.
bool isSameDay(DateTime? a, DateTime? b) {
if (a == null || b == null) {
return false;
return a.year == b.year && a.month == b.month && a.day == b.day;
Same for getHashCode
. Though you can modify it.
Source Code:
int getHashCode(DateTime key) {
return key.day * 1000000 + key.month * 10000 + key.year;
Now you have the KEvents
, so you can use others features like selecting in range, etc.
Refernce: table_calender
I'll encourage you to look at the examples provided by the package author.