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Inject HTML with Cloudflare worker

I'm trying to use HTMLRewriter to inject a preload <link> into web pages on my site, but nothing is happening.

The code I am using is:

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
      (err) => new Response(err.stack, { status: 500 })

class ElementHandler {
  element(element) {
    element.append(`<link rel="preload" href="path/to/image.jpg" as="image">`, {html: true});

async function handleRequest(req) {
  const res = await fetch(req)
  return new HTMLRewriter().on("head", new ElementHandler()).transform(res)

I spoke to somebody from Cloudflare and they couldn't see anything wrong with it, but it's still not working. The <link> isn't there.


  • Ensure the route you are hitting is setup in your routes section. The routes section can be found under your domain > Workers > Add Route

    I wish I could post an image but here is a guide I wrote using your code snippet for injecting a style into an application called FoundryVTT: