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c++google-chrome-extensionchrome-native-messaging fails to read stream

I'm implementing a native host for a browser extension. I designed my implementation around std::cin instead of C-style getchar()

The issue here is that std::cin not opened in binary mode and this has effects on Windows based hosts because Chrome browser don't work well with Windows style \r\n hence I have to read it in binary mode.

To read in binary mode, I have to use _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);

My IDE can't find definition for _fileno and I found that the workaround is to use the following macro,

#if !defined(_fileno)
#define _fileno(__F) ((__F)->_file)

However, I'm not confident enough with this macro. I believe something is wrong, but I'm using the latest MinGW compiler and not sure why it's not defined.

Update: it seems the function is behind a __STRICT_ANSI__ and I have no idea how to disable it.

Whatever, the program compiles fine and the browser starts it, and when I send message from browser, the application able to read the length of message, and when it try to read the content, the operation inserts nothing to the buffer vector and the message is not null terminated, but I don't think that causing the issue.

I also made an attempt to send a dummy message to browser without reading but it seems freezing the browser.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#ifdef __WIN32
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>

#if !defined(_fileno)
#define _fileno(__F) ((__F)->_file)

enum class Platforms {
    macOS = 1,
    Windows = 2,
    Linux = 3

Platforms platform;

#ifdef __APPLE__
    constexpr Platforms BuildOS = Platforms::macOS;
#elif __linux__
    constexpr Platforms BuildOS = Platforms::Linux;
#elif __WIN32
    constexpr Platforms BuildOS = Platforms::Windows;

void sendMessage(std::string message) {
    auto *data =;
    auto size = uint32_t(message.size());

    std::cout.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&size), 4);
    std::cout.write(data, size);

int main() {
    if constexpr(BuildOS == Platforms::Windows) {
        // Chrome doesn't deal well with Windows style \r\n
        _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
        _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);

    while(true) {
        std::uint32_t messageLength;

        // First Four contains message legnth<char*>(&messageLength), 4);

        if (std::cin.eof())

        std::vector<char> buffer;

        // Allocate ahead
        buffer.reserve(std::size_t(messageLength) + 1);[0], messageLength);

        std::string message(, buffer.size());

        sendMessage("{type: 'Hello World'}");


  • Solution:

    buffer.reserve(std::size_t(messageLength) + 1);

    should be

    buffer.resize(std::size_t(messageLength) + 1);

    or we can presize the buffer during construction with

    std::vector<char> buffer(messageLength +1);

    Problem Explanation:

    buffer.reserve(std::size_t(messageLength) + 1);

    reserves capacity but doesn't change the size of the vector, so technically[0], messageLength);`

    is illegal, and at

    std::string message(, buffer.size());` 

    buffer.size() is still 0.