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Hiding Drawer item Using Android Navigation Component

I am using navigation component along with navigation drawer. If a user login with FirebaseAuth in my LoginFragment I want to hide login/signup menu from navigation drawer. Can anyone tell me how could I do that?

Navigation Drawer


  • If a user login with FirebaseAuth in my LoginFragment I want to hide login/signup menu from navigation drawer

    You can get the menu from the NavigationView attached to the navigation drawer and use removeItem(id) to remove a particular item:

    if (userLoggedIn) { // Set that to your logic when the user logged in.
        removeItem(; // adjust that to the id you set to sign up
        removeItem(; // adjust that to the id you set to login 
    public removeItem(int id) {
        NavigationView navView = findViewById(; // Add your NavigationView id
        Menu menu = navView.getMenu();
        if (menu.findItem(id) != null) // Make sure that the item exists in the menu


    navigation drawer is in my MainActivity

    To access activity from the fragment use requireActivity() or getActivity() like:

    ((MainActivity) requireActivity()).removeItem(; // adjust that to the id you set to sign up
    ((MainActivity) requireActivity()).removeItem(; // adjust that to the id you set to login