i have a dataset longitude, latitude, its city, and the status of its city of coronavirus. I want to give a label on each point for city name. i dont have any idea if i use plt.text() one by one to give the labels. Here the code i use for creating dataset
jabar = [
['Bandung Barat',-7.025253,107.519760,'sedang',600]]
risk_map = pd.DataFrame(jabar, columns=features)
and here it is the code i create for visualize to give the label each points.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(risk_map['latitude'],risk_map['longitude'], c='orange',
s=risk_map['status_size'], label='Risk region')
plt.title('Peta Sebaran Covid-19', fontsize=20)
actually i have two datasets exclude the code i write above, the another is about confirmed-positive-cases-covid-region which is the point about more than 500.000 points. I merge this two dataset to get the risk-region. But i get trouble when i want to giva a labels on each point. the plt.text() i write above is example to give a label on a point. it is impossible if i write one by one as same as the text code because my computer got cracked and blank after i executed that code.
Anyone have any idea to give a label on each points that i write the code above? thank in advance
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
jabar = [
['Bandung Barat',-7.025253,107.519760,'sedang',600]]
risk_map = pd.DataFrame(jabar, columns=features)
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(risk_map, lon="latitude", lat="longitude",
color="status", hover_name="City",size="status_size"