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Need ArrayList printed without "Brackets"

Hello everyone I have an arraylist showing up as [MCA, MCB, COMM, DMISA] on the jsp.

Im calling it on the jsp:


In the bean the getter is:

public void setCodesNames(ArrayList<String> CodesNames)
    this.CodesNames = CodesNames;

How can I display this without the brackets?


  • You get the brackets because ArrayList#toString() is implicitly called, in order to turn the list into a printable string. You can fix this by printing the list yourself in the JSP:

    <c:forEach items="${CodesNames}" var="item" varStatus="status">
        ${item}<c:if test="${!status.last}">,</c:if>

    or with a bean getter than returns a string:

    public String getCodesNamesAsString()
        // using a Guava Joiner
        return Joiner.on(",").useForNull("null").join(getCodesNames());

    (See the Joiner JavaDocs if you're not familiar with Guava.)