I keep getting zero status even after interrupting the script.
The first script
## call the backup script
/usr/local/bin/backup 2>&1 >/dev/null
echo $?
exitscript() {
echo "Script Status: $1 | tee -a ${LOG}"
echo "> End Date: $(date +'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')" | tee -a ${LOG}
exit $1
trap "exitscript 1" 1 2 23 24 25
rsync ${args} ${src} ${dest} | tee -a ${RSYNC_LOG}
if [[ ${retcode} -ne 0 ]]; then
exitscript ${exitcode:-0}
When the First Script is run, it returns exit status of 0 although i have tried to kill the backup script before it ends (for that i have created a very large size file so that rsync takes time to copy the file and i get the time to kill the script before it ends)
ps -ef | grep -i backup
kill $PID
Another thing is that even after killing the backup script, rsync still runs. I would like for rsync to stop once the script is being killed and my first script to return the status code of zero. Much appreciation for any suggestions. Thanks!
I assume the missing quote in echo "Script Status: $1 | tee -a ${LOG}
is not relevant to the question.
When you want a function to handle the trap, you need to export that function.
And when you want to kill children, you should add these in your trap-function.
I tested these adjustments with a sleep
command, it should work for rsync
exitscript() {
echo "Script Status: $1"
(( $pleasekill > 0 )) && kill ${pleasekill}
echo "> End Date: $(date +'%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S')"
exit $1
# Export the function exitscript
export exitscript
trap "exitscript 1" 1 2 23 24 25
# Start I/O-friendly rsync function
sleep 30 &
exitscript 2
When you test this with the first script, use ^C
or kill -1 pid_of_backup