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How do I find undefined functions and add/link them as external functions?

I'm new to IAR workbenches in general (and EWARM to be precise), so I have a couple of potentially silly questions. For starters, here's what I actually want to do and the questions aroused:

  1. I need to check .o (.obj) file for undefined symbols and potentially collect them. When I was workings with GCC, I used nm with --undefined-only option to list such symbols. So, is there a similar tool in IAR (EWARM)?
  2. Having these undefined symbols collected, I need to manually link these symbols (functions) to specific addresses. While working with GCC I used ld script and placed function = address entries in ENTRY part of the script. So, what's the right way to do the same thing in EWARM?

Any help is appreciated.


    1. There is no direct way of doing this using only the tools from the EWARM distribution but since iccarm produces ELF-files you can continue using nm --undefined-only for this step.

    2. There are at least two different ways of doing this. First, there is a command-line option to ilink that allows you to define symbol to address mappings. For instance, adding --define_symbol print=0x1234 will add the symbol print with the value 0x1234. Second, symbols can be defined in the linker configuration file (.icf-file) using the define exported symbol directive. The example above is expressed as define exported symbol print = 0x1234.