I have a requirement of writing a ballerina util function that can alternatively wait on a given set of futures and return the result, where the number of future values can vary as shown in the below pseudo source code.
function getWaitResult(future[] futures) returns any|error {
return wait futures[0] | futures[1] | ... | futures[n];
What would be the best approach to have the same functionality implemented using Ballerina Swan Lake versions?
Since you have to provide each future reference statically, I would suggest you to generate more strands combining alternate wait actions.
import ballerina/lang.runtime;
import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/random;
function waitHelper(future<any>[] fs) returns any|error {
match fs {
var [f] => {
return wait f;
var [f, x] => {
return wait f | x;
var [f, x, y] => {
return wait f | x | y;
var [f, x, y, ...r] => {
var rest = start waitHelper(r);
return wait f | x | y | rest;
function foo() returns int {
int r = checkpanic random:createIntInRange(10, 200);
io:println("waiting (ms)... ", r);
return r;
public function main() {
future<int>[] f = [];
foreach int i in 0...9 {
var r = start foo();
any|error got = waitHelper(f);
io:println("Got: ", got);