I'm your classic OOP developer. However since I discovered purely functional programming languages I've been ever intrigued to the why since OOP seemed to solve most business cases in a reasonable manner.
I've now come to the point in my software development experience where I'm seeking more concise and expressive languages. I usually write my software in C# but for my latest project I decided to take the leap and build a business service using F#. In doing so I'm finding it very hard to understand how decoupling is done with a purely functional approach.
The case is this. I have a data-source, which is WooCommerce, but I don't want to tie my function definitions to that specific data source.
In C# it is apparent to me that I want a service that looks something like this
public record Category(string Name);
public interface ICategoryService
Task<IEnumerable<Category>> GetAllAsync();
// With a definition for the service that specifies WooCommerce
public class WcCategoryService : ICategoryService
private readonly WCRestEndpoint wcRest;
// WooCommerce specific dependencies
public WcCategoryService(WCRestEndpoint wcRest)
this.wcRest = wcRest;
public Task<IEnumerable<Category>> GetAllAsync()
// Call woocommerce REST and map the category to our domain category
Now in the future, if and when I decide we need a new store for providing categories I can define a new implementation for that specific service, replace the injected type and not mess up the dependents because of this change.
Trying to understand how the functional dependency approach is solved I was met with this case (reading "Domain Modeling made functional") where the type signature directly define the dependencies, so the above C# equivalent would turn into a highly coupled definition
type Category = { Name: string }
type GetCategories =
-> Category list
Suddenly if I am to change the source of categories I would have to either change the functional signature or provide a new definition to be used which would ripple through the application and thereby not be very robust.
What I'm curious about is whether I'm misunderstanding something fundamental.
With my OOP brain all I can think of doing is something like this
type Category = { Name: string }
// No longer directly dependent on WCRestEndpoint
type GetCategories = unit -> Category list
// But the definition would require scoped inclusion of the dependency
// Also how does the configuration get passed in without having the core library be dependent on the Environment or a config in the assembly?
let rest = WCRestEndpoint(/* Config... */)
type getCategories: GetCategories =
fun () ->
let wcCategories = rest.GetCategories()
// Convert the result into a Category type
I've looked around and I haven't found any explanation as to how change is handled with a purely functional approach, which is what led me to believe there is something fundamental I've misunderstood.
How do you expose a functional API without tying the function type signatures up in implementation specific types? Am I thinking about this wrong?
I struggled with this question for years before I realised that I was looking at it the wrong way. Coming from object-oriented development and Dependency Injection, I kept looking for a functional alternative to Dependency Injection. I finally realised that Dependency Injection makes everything impure, which means that you can't use that approach (not even partial application) if you want to apply a functional architecture.
The red herring is to focus on the dependencies. Instead, focus on writing pure function. You can still use the Dependency Inversion Principle, but instead of focusing on actions and interactions, focus on data. If a function requires some data, pass it as an argument. If a function has to make a decision, return it as a data structure.
You don't provide any examples of where you'd want to use a list of Category
values, but a function that depends on such data would have a type like this:
Category list -> 'a
Such a function is completely decoupled from the source of the categories. It only depends on the Category
type itself, which is part of the Domain Model.
Ultimately, you'll need to get the categories from somewhere, but this work you push to the boundary of the system, e.g. Main
let Main () =
let categories = getCategories ()
let result = myFunction categories
Thus, if you change your mind about how to get the categories, you only have to change one line of code. This kind of architecture is akin to a sandwich, with impure actions surrounding the pure heart of the application. It's also known as functional core, imperative shell.