When delete
executes the program crashes. I tried following code to check for corrupted heap block but if
condition results false.
int rc;
if (_HEAPOK != (rc = _heapchk()))
puts("The heap has not been initialized.");
puts("A memory node is corrupted or the heap is damaged.");
puts("The heap specified is not valid.");
complete code can be found here: http://cyberkinetica.homeunix.net/os2tk45/xpg4ref/157_L2__heapchkValidateDefa.html
Please let me know how to debug in this case.
I tried to debug in file:
...\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\crt\src\dbgheap.c
and it's failing in following function:
extern "C" _CRTIMP int __cdecl _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(
const void * pUserData)
Comments on this function states:
Purpose: Verify pointer is not only a valid pointer but also that it is from the 'local' heap. Pointers from another copy of the C runtime (even in the same process) will be caught.
what is this local heap and does it help in finding out the issue?
I assume that you want to know why the code snippet is crashing in your posted link. The problem is in this line.
*(ptr - 1) = 'x'; // i.e. ptr[-1] = 'x';
After doing ptr = malloc()
, you execute above command.
Pointer is writing in the memory area which is going out of range; which results in undefined behavior. Luckily the system crashes.