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PSPDFKIT instance.addEventListener('annotations.create') is missing the annotation type

I'm struggling with pspdfkit for creating and displaying my annotations properly. I would like to create my annotation like this:

 instance.addEventListener("annotations.create", createdAnnotations => {
              const annotation = createdAnnotations
              const serializedObject = toSerializableObject(annotation)
              const annotationsJson = JSON.stringify(serializedObject)
              console.log("clean", JSON.parse(annotationsJson))
              dispatch(createPdfNote(annotationsJson, documentID))
                  err => {
                    if (!err) {
                        severity: "success",
                        message: "Annotation successfully created",

But at the creation the annotation is missing the type of the annotation.

How could I retrieve it and be able to use toSerializeObject to be able to create JSON that I can re-create after?

That's the JSON the instance.addEventListener created for me:

action: null
​​additionalActions: null
​​backgroundColor: null
​​blendMode: "normal"
​​boundingBox: Object { left: 308, top: 118, width: 82, … }
​​createdAt: "2021-06-28T07:58:36.255Z"
​​creatorName: null
​​customData: null
​​hidden: false
​​id: "01F98T156YNAP5N28MAKKQJ2Y4"
​​isCommentThreadRoot: false
​​isDrawnNaturally: false
​​isSignature: false
​​lineWidth: 5
​​lines: Array [ (12) […] ]
​​name: "01F98T156YNAP5N28MAKKQJ2Y4"
​​noPrint: false
​​noRotate: false
​​noView: false
​​noZoom: false
​​note: null
​​opacity: 1
​​pageIndex: 0
​​pdfObjectId: null
​​strokeColor: Object { r: 34, g: 147, b: 251 }
​updatedAt: "2021-06-28T07:58:37.181Z"

Unfortunately I have to pass the pspdfkit function toSerializeObject, fromSerializeObject to be able to create and get annotations displayed, but they give me the error unsupported type when I create them and unsupported type change when I try to re-create them, just using JSON.parse / JSON.stringify doesn't do the trick and it won't let me use instance.create to render created annotations to the DOM when a user has closed the viewer and re-opened it again.


  • So, the documentation is garbage, not gonna lie... The method is actually a function, the array retrieved is an object etc etc.

    The answer for how to get what I was looking for is:

                instance.addEventListener("annotations.create", createdNote => {
                  const note = createdNote.get(0)
                  const serializedObjectNote = toSerializableObject(note)
                  const noteJson = JSON.stringify(serializedObjectNote)
                  if (!isLoadingNotes.current) {
                    dispatch(createPdfNote(noteJson, documentID))
                        err => {
                          if (!err) {
                              severity: "success",
                              message: "Annotation successfully created",