I'm making a clone of Spotify using NextJS and React. I want to use Web Playback SDK to play tracks, but when I import the script of SDK, it always not defined
. Please help me to solve this problem, I have searched too much and not figure out what was the reason. Here is my code and error screen:
type Props = {
children?: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[];
export default function Main({ children }: Props) {
const recentlyTracks = useRecentlyTracks();
const newRelease = useNewRelease();
const futuredPlaylists = useFuturedPlaylists();
return (
value={{ recentlyTracks, newRelease, futuredPlaylists }}
<Script src="https://sdk.scdn.co/spotify-player.js" />
<div className="w-main h-full bg-gradient-to-t from-start to-end overflow-y-scroll no-scrollbar pb-4">
<Header />
You are including the tag directly within the JSX, which is not the way to properly load the SDK in a react application. Take a look here:
https://github.com/niekert/use-spotify-web-playback-sdk for a solution on how to potentially load the SDK correctly using a hooks based approach.