I'm trying to write code that fill array in Function and than return result to main Sub. But this Function called from another Sub (sub-Sub). To understand how this will work I tried go step by step. And wrote this code:
Sub CATMain()
Dim val1
Call WalkDownTree() 'Here I call Sub to walk down Product Tree in CATIA
val1 = ParamTable(PartNumber, Name, Material, Texture, Color, Quantity)
For i=0 To UBound(val1)
MsgBox val1(i)
End Sub
Sub WalkDownTree() 'Simplified code of the walk down tree to understand data transfer
PartNumber = "PartNumber"
Name = "Name"
Material = "Material"
Texture = "Texture"
Color = "Color"
Quantity = 1
Call ParamTable(PartNumber, Name, Material, Texture, Color, Quantity)
End Sub
Function ParamTable(PartNumber, Name, Material, Texture, Color, Quantity) 'Simplified array filing code. At original code I get all data from Part
Dim BOMTable(6,1000)
BOMTable(1,k) = PartNumber
BOMTable(2,k) = Name
BOMTable(3,k) = Material
BOMTable(4,k) = Texture
BOMTable(5,k) = Color
BOMTable(6,k) = 1
ParamTable = BOMTable
End Function
But I have error at line "MsgBox val1(i)": "Subscript out of range". What did I miss? And maybe exists more simple way to transfer array from Function to main Sub when Function fill from sub-Sub?
After some time I have a solution This code works:
Dim PartNumber, Name, Material, Texture, Color, Quantity, k
Dim BOMTable(6,1000)
Sub CATMain()
Dim val1
Call WalkDownTree()
val1 = ParamTable(PartNumber, Name, Material, Texture, Color, Quantity, k)
For i = 1 To UBound(val1, 1)
For j = 1 To k-1
MsgBox val1(i,j)
End Sub
Sub WalkDownTree()
For k = 1 To 3
PartNumber = "PartNumber" & k
Name = "Name" & k
Material = "Material" & k
Texture = "Texture" & k
Color = "Color" & k
Quantity = 1
Call ParamTable(PartNumber, Name, Material, Texture, Color, Quantity, k)
End Sub
Function ParamTable(PartNumber, Name, Material, Texture, Color, Quantity, k)
BOMTable(1,k) = PartNumber
BOMTable(2,k) = Name
BOMTable(3,k) = Material
BOMTable(4,k) = Texture
BOMTable(5,k) = Color
BOMTable(6,k) = Quantity
ParamTable = BOMTable
End Function