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Cloud Task not executing Cloud Function

I wanted to add security to my Cloud Function so I removed the allUsers access to call it - so I could instead only call it from a service account within my GCP.

So I have followed the tutorial in the GCP docs exactly:

Cloud Function

async function createTask(taskName, functionToFire, payload, fireAt){
    const tasksClient = new CloudTasksClient()
    const projectId = JSON.parse(process.env.FIREBASE_CONFIG).projectId
    console.log(`${taskName} will fire ${functionToFire} at ${fireAt}...`)
    const location = 'us-central1'
    const queuePath = tasksClient.queuePath(projectId, location, taskName)
    const url = `https://us-central1-${PROJECT_ID}${functionToFire}`
    const serviceAccountEmail = 'cloud-tasks@${PROJECT_ID}';
    // const sendAt = / 1000 + 10 // plus 10 seconds of current epoch
    const task = {
        httpRequest: {
          httpMethod: 'POST',
          oidcToken: {
          body: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(payload)).toString('base64'),
          headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        scheduleTime: {
          seconds: (fireAt / 1000) // Convert millis to seconds
    await tasksClient.createTask({ parent: queuePath, task })
    return 200;

Cloud Function permissions

The service account has been given the following permissions on this specific function called task:

  • Cloud Functions Admin
  • Cloud Functions Invoker
  • Cloud Functions Service Agent

enter image description here

However when the task actually fires, it gives this error:

PERMISSION_DENIED(7): HTTP status code 403

i've also had the following error:

UNAUTHENTICATED(16): HTTP status code 401

I've tested using 2 service accounts - the recommended one using the docs (shown above) and also a service account I created specifically for this called cloud-tasks@${PROJECT_ID}

I also went to the generic IAM page and checked the permissions of these service accounts:

  1. Default service account:

enter image description here

  1. Service account I created:

enter image description here

Both return the PERMISSION_DENIED or UNAUTHENTICATED errors shown above when the function fires:

enter image description here

Any idea what the problem is? I've tried almost everything.


  • You forgot to put the audience in your OIDC token definition. You can find the object definition in the nodeJS documentation

     const task = {
            httpRequest: {
              httpMethod: 'POST',
              oidcToken: {
                serviceAccountEmail: serviceAccountEmail
                //Audience is the raw URL, without extra path or query parameter
                audience: https://us-central1-${PROJECT_ID}           },