I would like to generate dynamic text without the need to create webhooks whenever possible. I understand that the only way to create dynamic text is by either creating different routes depending on parameters or by using inline system functions like $sys.func.ADD(1, 2)
within text fulfillments.
But inline system functions like $sys.func.ADD(1, 2)
do not work for me if used in text fulfillments. System functions just don't get executed for me. I.e. instead of uttering "3" my bot just utters "$sys.func.ADD(1, 2)" as a result of a test fulfillemnt. What am I doing wrong here? Does anybody have an example for using inline system functions in text fulfillment?
To resolve this issue, you need to check the result of system functions in order to identify the error that occurred.
For the system function $sys.func.ADD, when using it as a text response in your fulfillment, you need to convert it to type STRING
to be embedded in text since the output of this system function returns a type DOUBLE
You can convert the output of the $sys.func.ADD function to STRING
by creating a nested function in your text response and utilizing the $sys.func.TO_TEXT which converts a value of other types to string.