I'm loading textures from a file as a Vec<u8>
and turning that data into a Texture, when I add that texture to the Asset resource to get a Handle<Texture>
it causes two errors, the first one comes from the logging system and says gpu_alloc::block: Memory block wasn't deallocated
the second one (which I'm assuming is related) is thread 'main' panicked at 'range end index 32896 out of range for slice of length 32768'
. This all seems to stem from this code block
Ok(pak) => {
let mut assets : CurrentlyLoadedAssets = CurrentlyLoadedAssets::default();
for texture in pak.textures {
//Creates texture from data and loads it into the resource for a handle
let texture_asset: Texture = Texture::new(Extent3d { width: 32, height: 32, depth: 1 }, TextureDimension::D2, texture.1, Rgba8UnormSrgb);
//This is causing problems
let texture_handle: Handle<Texture> = textures.add(texture_asset);
println!("Loading: {}", &texture.0);
assets.textures.insert(texture.0, texture_handle);
//Problems end here
println!("Done getting assets");
Any idea what I need to change to fix this?
I figured out the problem.
let texture_asset: Texture = Texture::new(Extent3d { width: 32, height: 32, depth: 1 }, TextureDimension::D2, texture.1, Rgba8UnormSrgb);
should be
texture_asset: Texture = Texture::new(Extent3d { width: 256, height: 256, depth: 1 }, TextureDimension::D2, texture.1, Rgba8UnormSrgb);
The difference being that the width and height must be the same as the image you're trying to load as a Vec<u8>
, I was using a test image that was 256x256 instead of the 32x32 sprites I'm going to use.