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How do I make a ticketing system for my bot using the discord-buttons npm package?

So I am working on a Ticketing System for my Discord bot, and my code worked before, but I messed it up, and now it doesn't work.

What I want it to do: When people click the button(discord-buttons) I want it to first check for a category named "Tickets", then make a new channel called "(username)-ticket", and finally, send a embed in the channel that was just made.

What actually happens: The code just says "Cannot read channels of undefined", and does not work.

My Code:

client.on('clickButton', async (button) => {
    if ( == "ticket") {
      let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed;
      embed.setTitle('Created Ticket')
      embed.setDescription('Successfully created your ticket.')
      await button.reply.send({ embed: embed }, true);
      let embed2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed
      embed2.setTitle(`Hello, ${button.clicker.user.username}`)
      embed2.setDescription('Someone will be with you shortly. To close the ticket, press the ❌ emoji.')
      embed2.setFooter('Ticketing System created by FireyJS#6969')
      const guild = button.clicker.guild
if (guild.channels.cache.find(c => === 'tickets')) {
  const category = guild.channels.cache.find(c => === 'tickets')
 guild.channels.create(`${button.clicker.user.username}-ticket`, { reason : 'Needed to make a ticket lol' }).then(channel => { 
 }).then(message => { message.react('❌') })
 } else {'Make a category named ``Tickets`` to get started with ticketing!')


  • The button.clicker object does not have a guild property, but button on its own does. Try defining guild as button.guild instead of what you currently have!