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Regex pattern for matching float followed by some fixed strings

I want to a regex pattern that could match the following cases:

0, 1, 0.1, .1, 1g, 0.1g, .1g, 1(g/100ml), .1(g/ml)

If the regex matches the pattern, I want to capture only the numerical part(0,1,0.1..)

I tried using following regex but it matches many cases:


How to achieve above with single regex pattern?


To make the question solution more generic What would be a single regex that would match below

  1. Any numerical ( 0, 1, 0.1, ...)
  2. Any numerical followed by g, mg any characters (0.1g, .1mg, 100kg)
  3. Any numerical followed by anything in parentheses - .1(g/100ml), 100(mg/1kg)

And just capture the numerical part


  • EDIT2: With OP's edited samples(to match 0, 1, 0.1 OR (0.1g, .1mg, 100kg) OR .1(g/100ml), 100(mg/1kg)), adding following solution here. Explanation is same as very first solution, only thing is in spite of matching specific strings, I have changed regex to match any alphabets here.


    Online Demo for above regex

    EDIT1: As per OP's comments to match .01c and 100(g/1000L) kind of examples adding following regex, which is small edit to 1st solution here.


    Online demo for above regex

    With your shown samples, please try following regex here.


    Online demo for above regex

    Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.

    (\d*\.?\d+)           ##Matching digits 0 or more occurrences followed by .(optional, followed by 1 or more digits occurrences here.
    (?:                   ##Starting a non-capturing group here.
      g|                  ##matching only g here OR.
      \(g(?:\/\d*ml)?\)|  ##Matching (g) OR (g/digits ml) here OR.
      (?:,\s+|$)          ##Matching comma followed by 1 or more spaces occurrences OR end of value here.
    )                     ##Closing non-capturing group here.