I have two ints that represents epochtimes:
x1 = 1597611600
x2 = 1597489203
I want to check if there is less then 72 hours between them. What is the best way to do so in Python3? Please notice that both are int.
You can convert epoch timestamps to datetime objects, perform subtraction and compare the result to timedelta object. However, you can simply do a comparision in seconds.
from datetime import datetime as dt, timedelta as td
def epoch_diff_within(ts1, ts2, hr):
d1 = dt.fromtimestamp(x1)
d2 = dt.fromtimestamp(x2)
return d1 - d2 < td(hours=hr)
def epoch_diff_within2(ts1, ts2, hr):
return ts1 - ts2 < hr * 60 * 60
x1 = 1597611600
x2 = 1597489203
print(epoch_diff_within(x1, x2, 72)) # Output: True
print(epoch_diff_within2(x1, x2, 72)) # Output: True
print(epoch_diff_within(x1, x2, 24)) # Output: False
print(epoch_diff_within2(x1, x2, 24)) # Output: False