I have made a custom template tag , in apptags.py file which is inside templatetag folder and templatetag folder is inside my application folder, with the following code
from django import template
import datetime
def get_date():
now = datetime.datetime.now()
return now
and im using it in my html file as
% load static %}
{% load apptags %}
{% get_date as today %}
<h2>Today is {{today}} </h2>
and it is showing the below error:
TemplateSyntaxError at /exam/show-test/ 'apptags' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of: admin_list admin_modify admin_urls cache i18n l10n log static tz
P.S :- Templatetag is a package as i've made a init.py file inside it
You need to add your templatetags in your project settings.py
file for Django to identify it.
Add this to entry to your OPTIONS
in settings.py
'libraries': {
'<template_tag name>': '<App_name>.templatetags.<template_tag name>',
'context_processors': [
'libraries': {
'dict_key': 'blogs.templatetags.dict_key',