I am refactoring a script and I'm seeing this:
/bin/bash -c 'rm -rf directory/{{..?*,.[!.]*,*}}'
Googling "bash double curly braces" is strangely not getting my anywhere so far. What does this code do?
EDIT: I didn't include enough details, apparently. It's actually a python command that was using format()
, so the double curly braces were actually single curly braces being escaped for that.
subprocess.check_output(['/bin/bash', '-c', 'rm -rf {0}/{{..?*,.[!.]*,*}}'.format('directory')]
@thatotherguy nailed it in the comments.
Sometimes the double curly appears when passing a bash script in a GitLab or GitHub runner for example
- name: Set selected color
run: echo '::set-output name=SELECTED_COLOR::green'
id: random-color-generator
- name: Get color
run: echo "The selected color is ${{ steps.random-color-generator.outputs.SELECTED_COLOR }}"