This is a knowledge sharing inspired by : Posting (Uploading) an image to Instagram using Selenium not using an API
Most of the answer from internet only has Python version, so I am here to publish a JavaScript version in node.js
This solution only works under Windows OS.
Below code reads photos with .jpg
format from upload folder and post one by one with caption.
with below dependencies:"dependencies": {
"selenium-webdriver": "^4.0.0-beta.4",
"autoit": "file:autoit-2.0.1.tgz"
Run npm install
Run the actual code :
const fs = require('fs');
const { Builder, By, Key } = require('selenium-webdriver');
const au = require('autoit');
const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');
const instagramUrl = '';
const account = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ACCOUNT';
const password = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_PASSWORD';
const instagramLoginUrl = instagramUrl + 'accounts/login/';
const instagramAccountUrl = instagramUrl + account;
const waitTime = 2000;
const uploadFolder = 'uploadFolderName'
const mobileDeviceName = 'iPhone X';
const loginAlert = '//*[@id="slfErrorAlert"]';
const newPostButton = '//div[@data-testid="new-post-button"]';
const nextButton = '//button[text()="Next"]';
const captionTextArea = '//textarea[@aria-label="Write a caption…"]';
const shareButton = '//button[text()="Share"]';
let readFileNames = () => {
let filenames = [];
fs.readdirSync(uploadFolder).forEach(file => {
let filename = file.split('.');
if (filename[1] == 'jpg') {
return filenames;
let filenames = readFileNames();
(async function example() {
let driver = await new Builder()
.setChromeOptions(new chrome.Options()
.setMobileEmulation({ deviceName: mobileDeviceName }))
try {
// Go to Login page
await driver.get(instagramLoginUrl);
await driver.sleep(waitTime);
// Login
await driver.findElement('username')).sendKeys(account);
await driver.findElement('password')).sendKeys(password, Key.RETURN);
await driver.sleep(waitTime);
// Redirect to Profile Home Page
await driver.get(instagramAccountUrl);
await driver.sleep(waitTime);
//Read Local Photos
for (let file of filenames) {
//Create New Post
await driver.findElement(By.xpath(newPostButton)).click();
await driver.sleep(waitTime);
let imagePath = `${__dirname}\\${uploadFolder}\\${file}`;
// Handle Windows Upload Photo Dialog
let handle = "[TITLE:Open]";
au.ControlClick(handle, "", "Button1");
await driver.sleep(waitTime);
// Hit Next
await driver.findElement(By.xpath(nextButton)).click();
await driver.sleep(waitTime);
// Fill The Captions
await driver.findElement(By.xpath(captionTextArea)).sendKeys("Your caption");
await driver.sleep(waitTime);
// Share New Post
await driver.findElement(By.xpath(shareButton)).click();
await driver.sleep(waitTime);
// Back To Home Page
await driver.get(instagramAccountUrl);
catch (err) {
finally {
await driver.quit();